Winter Weather Update - 1/22

Virtual learning and campus operations will extend through Thursday, January 23. Additionally, please note that Sumter County is currently under curfew, extending through 1pm on Thursday, January 23. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time. Please monitor, social media, email, MyGSW and any other GSW channels of communication for further updates. 
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Building Codes

ABA 0100 ABAC - Conger Hall
ABBH 0151 ABAC - Bowen Hall
AC 0131 Andrew College
ADMN 0001 Administration Building
CWH 0003 Crawford Wheatley Hall
A-F Athletic Field
AHS 0164 Americus High School
ASAB 0194 Agricultural Science - ABAC
ATIE 0150 Albany Technical Institute - Early Co
BCES 0145 Bleckley County Elementary School
BCHS 0129 Bleckley County High School
BHMS 0101 Ben Hill Middle School
BHP 0018 Business/History Building
BHS 0153 Bainbridge High School
CC 0016 Canes Central
CCES 0166 Cross Creek Elementary School
CCHS 0147 Crisp County High School
CCMS 0138 Crisp County Middle School
CEBC 0187 Continuing Education - Bainbridge College
CHCA 0196 Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
COHS 0152 Coffee County High School
COL 0006 Collum I
COMS 0169 Cook County Middle School
CMC 709332 Coliseum Medical Center of Macon
CPMC 0141 Columbia Palmyra Medical Center
CRH 0142 Crisp Regional Hospital
CSU 0117 Columbus State University
CTI 0116 Columbus Technical Institute
DART 0148 Darton College
DBOE 0149 Decatur County Board Of Education
DCES 0120 Dodge County Elementary School
DCHO 0146 Dodge County Hospital
DCHS 0103 Dodge County High School
DCMS 0102 Dodge County Middle School
DCTC 0165 Dooly County Economic Development Training Center
DHMG 0188 Dillard Hall - Middle Georgia College
DHS 0135 Dublin High School
DL 0137 Distance Learning
EC 0032 Education Center
ECES 0112 Early County Elementary School
ELES 0168 East Laurens Elementary School
ENG 0017 English/Foreign Language Building
EPMC 601140 Ellaville Primary Medical Center
ESMS 0172 Eighth Street Middle School
FAR 0031 Fine Arts Building
FCG 0011 Florrie Chappel - Old Gymnasium
FHS 0104 Fitzgerald High School
FRTI 0118 Flint River Technical Institute
FVSU 0124 Fort Valley State University
G&CC 0044 Golf and Conference Center
GHS 0154 Griffin High School
GTI 0119 Griffin Technical Institute
GYM 0010 New Gymnasium (Field House)
HAHS 0107 Hawkinsville High School
HCHS 0105 Houston County High School
HHS1 0048 Health and Human Sciences Complex I
HMC 602331 Houston Medical Center
JCK 0015 Jackson Hall
JDHS 0156 Jeff Davis High School
LC Learning Center
LCHS 0132 Lee County High School
LH 0030 Lake House
LIB 0020 James Earl Carter Library
LKE Campus Lake
MAES 0125 Macon County Elementary School
MAG 0144 Magnolia Manor
MC 0123 Macon College
MCBC 0184 Maple Center - Bainbridge College
MCLB 0126 Marine Corps Logistics Base
MCMS 0106 Montgomery County Middle School
MGAC 0157 Middle Georgia College
MOBE 0128 Monroe County Board Of Education
MOR 0024 Morgan Hall
MSC 0021 Marshall Student Center
MTI 0113 Macon Technical Institute
NEMS 0155 Northeast Middle School
OFF Classes Taught Off-Campus
PCES 0134 Pulaski County Elementary
PMC 0174 Palmyra Medical Center
PMHS 0161 Pelham Middle/High School
PMS 0167 Perry Middle School
PPMH 0140 Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital
PPMH 0175 Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital
PSL 0034 Psychology Lab
RCHS 0108 Randolph-Clay High School
RHMG 0191 Russell Hall - Middle Georgia College
RLMG 0192 Roberts Library - Middle Georgia College
RON 0014 Joseph C Roney Building
RWSI 991800 Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute
SA 0160 Southland Academy
SAN 0023 Sanford Hall
SCES 0162 Sumter County Elementary School
SCI 0013 Science Building
SCPS 0163 Sumter County Primary School
SCRV 0179 Sumter County Retirement Village
SGTC 0159 South Georgia Technical College - Crisp County Center
SGTI 0136 South Georgia Technical College
SRH 0139 Sumter Regional Hospital
SRH 0173 Sumter Regional Hospital
SSC 0040 Student Success Center
STF 0176 St. Francis Hospital
SWP 0033 Swimming Pool
T-C Tennis Courts
TCHS 0195 Tri-County High School
TEHS 0109 Telfair County High School
TEMS 0114 Telfair County Middle School
TIHS 0122 Tift County High School
TRHO 0197 Taylor Regional Hospital
TRMS 0110 Treutlen County Middle School
TUES 0133 Turner County Elementary School
TUHS 0115 Turner County High School
TWHS 0130 Twiggs County High School
WAYC 0193 Waycross College
WCES 0158 Wilcox County Elementary School
WCG 0143 West Central Georgia Regional Hospital
WCHS 0111 Worth County High School
WHMG 0190 Walker Hall - Middle Georgia College
WIHS 0121 Wilcox County High School