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Business Affairs and Policy Manual


Cash Management/Cash Receipts

The goals of cash management policy is to ensure that cash receipts are properly collected, managed, and safeguarded. Proper management of cash flow allows for maximum use of temporarily available cash for short-term investment.

Many University units provide goods and services which require funds to be collected by these units. All funds collected must be transmitted intact and in a timely manner to the Accounting Office. It is mandatory that all funds collected be properly safeguarded and that the unit's recording and transmittal practices provide an unbroken audit trail which reflects where funds were initially collected, recorded, and deposited into an official University account.

Cash Receipts Standards


There should be a dated, chronological record of original entry prepared for each individual payment. Receipts may either be in the form of cash register receipts produced in duplicate or hand written receipts prepared in triplicate. 

Most departments will use a three-part pre-numbered receipt book. These books are issued and controlled by Student Accounts. The original receipt is to be issued to the payer and the first copy is to be attached to the cash receipts transmittal form and sent to Student Accounts with the deposit. The second copy is to be retained in the receipt book for audit. If a receipt must be voided, submit the original and first copy along with other receipts and report, retaining the second copy in the receipt book. Receipt books, when completed, are to be returned to Student Accounts for audit. Deposits should be sent to Student Accounts daily, but absolutely not less than weekly. 


All cash receipts should be stored in a secure location until transported to Student Accounts. Checks should be stamped with a restrictive endorsement (use the "for deposit only" stamp issued by the Accounting Office). Units may not establish a cash fund or make cash refunds from cash collected. Use of cash receipts to cash personal checks or to make loans (I.O.U.'s) is prohibited. 

Minimum Information

The following information is required on all cash receipts: 


Received from (source) 

Type of payment (cash, check, etc.) 

For (account distribution) 

Total amount received 

Received by (Cashier's name) 

Receiving Checks

Because of a Federal Reserve Bank directive and refusal by some banks to process counter checks and drafts, Georgia Southwestern State University units may not accept counter checks or drafts. All checks must bear the routing symbol-transit number of the paying bank pre-printed in magnetic ink. All checks received must be made payable to the order of Georgia Southwestern State University. 


The restrictive ("for deposit only") endorsement must be placed within 1" of the trailing edge of the check. The trailing edge is the left edge as you look at the front of the check.  

Cash Receipts Summary and Transmittal

Summarizing receipts on a timely basis provides information necessary for posting to the Cash Receipts Journal. Prepare the Cash Receipts Transmittal form in duplicate, deliver the first copy with receipts and funds to be deposited to Student Accounts, and retain the duplicate copy in receipt book for departmental record keeping.

Minimum Information


Transmitting Unit's name 

Receipt numbers from ____ to ____ 

Account distribution and amounts 

Total amount of deposit (cash and checks) 

Name of depositor 

Sample Cash Receipts Transmittal form may be obtained from the Accounting Office. 

GSW Payment Card Policy

The goals of the payment card management policy are to ensure that payment cards and payment card data are properly collected, managed and safeguarded. GSW prohibits payment card data from being written down. Requirements for payment card procedures are documented in “Payment Card Terminal Procedures_DATE.docx” (available upon request). Staff who handle payment card information will be required to complete an annual training on safeguarding sensitive data.

The utilization of the GSW campus network for payment card transactions is referenced in “PCI Standards and Procedures_DATE.docx” (available upon request).

Petty Cash Disbursements

All Petty Cash accounts are to be established through the Georgia Southwestern State University Accounting Office and recorded on the University's General Ledger. Petty Cash funds may be authorized for University departments where there is a repetitive requirement for small dollar value transactions. These funds will be issued by the Accounting Office only upon receipt of written authorization from the Department Chair or Department Dean. Petty Cash slips are available in the Accounting Office. 

Authorized Purchases

Expenditures from Petty Cash funds are subject to University purchasing regulations. 

It is the responsibility of the authorizing purchaser to ensure that expenditures made from an account are made in a legally authorized manner. 


Persons who wish to make petty cash purchases should present a Petty Cash Request form signed by the department head to the Accounting Office. The maximum amount advanced is $200. Most merchants will waive sales tax if presented with an approved petty cash form. After completing the purchase return the original receipt and any change to the cashier within two working days. 

Standard verifiable evidence for reimbursement is an original itemized invoice marked paid and initialed by the vendor or an imprinted cash register receipt showing the vendor's name and date of purchase.  

Grants Management (Restricted/Sponsored Funds)

Persons who wish to submit a grant proposal for external funding should complete a "Approval to Submit Proposal for External Funding" form. The immediate supervisor should route the form to the appropriate Vice President for review. After review by the Vice President for Business and Finance and the President, the applicant will be notified regarding internal approval or denial. The acceptance of a grant by a division or department will not affect regular funding for the division or department. 

Indirect Cost

Any grant proposal of a material amount should include compensation known as indirect cost for institutional support of the grant. For Federal programs, the Comptroller calculates an indirect cost rate which has been approved for a three-year period by the Department of Health and Human Services. The current rate is 48% of direct salaries and wages, and is good through June 30, 2015. All Federal grant proposals should include this indirect rate unless a different rate is approved by the Vice President for Business and Finance. No standard rate is set for State, Local or Private grant funding; however, a rate similar to that for Federal programs should be used. Grant proposals which do not include sufficient indirect or administrative cost allowances may not be approved for submission. 

Grant Approval/Denial

At the time of receipt of grant approval or denial send a copy of the granting agency's approval/denial to the Vice President for Business and Finance and the division chairperson. 


Copies of the final approved grant document, including budget, are to be furnished to the Vice President for Business and Finance and the division chairperson. After furnishing an approved budget, the Project Director should request that appropriate accounts be set up to capture the necessary data to provide proper reporting. 

This request should be made in writing to the Comptroller with copies to the Vice President of Business and Finance and the Division Chairperson. The Comptroller will assign a set of account numbers to capture budget, expenditures, encumbrances (obligations), and communicate this information to the Project Director. 

The budget must clearly identify any indirect cost recovery or administrative cost allowance. It should also identify institutional cost share, both in-kind and cash. 


The Project Director should prepare a calendar of anticipated and/or required events. This calendar should include beginning and ending dates for the grant, dates of required report submissions, and any major scheduled expenditures (e.g. for equipment). 

Accounting for Expenditures

Expenditure requests should be made no later than 60 days prior to the ending date of the ending date of the grant. Each expenditure request should reference the 18-digit 

account number provided by the Accounting Office. Internal correspondence regarding the grant may simply reference the grant "project indicator" number which is embedded in the 25-or-27-digit account number (Project number may be 3 or 5 digits). For example: 


xxxxx - Project Indicator 

Each Project Director is responsible for periodically running and reviewing budget reports from the PeopleSoft system.  Any questions regarding reported expenditures or how to access budget reports should be communicated to the Comptroller. 

Grant Changes

Any and all proposed modifications of an approved grant are to be made through the Vice President of Business & Finance.

Project Director and must comply with reporting requirements of the granting agency. 

The Project Director is responsible for providing a draft copy of the Fiscal Report to the Grants Supervisor for reconciliation with the official University records. The draft copy of the Fiscal Report is to be submitted 30 days prior to the required reporting date. Once any discrepancies are resolved, a final report is prepared by the Business Office and returned to the Project Director for submission. A complete copy of the final grant report should be sent to the Vice President for Business and Finance and the division chairperson. 

Federal Grant Compliance - Personnel

In addition to reporting standards required by the University System, there are additional standards imposed by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-110 and other Federal regulations. Employees paid in any proportion from a Federal grant or contract are required to complete a Payroll Distribution-Activity Record monthly. This applies to all employees and is necessary to confirm the amount of time charged to the Federal grant. All employees who receive Federal dollars (including student workers) must also sign a statement indicating their compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace act of 1988. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in termination of the grant or contract. Copies of the required forms are available in the Accounting Office. Consult the Director of Accounting for other OMB Circular A-110 compliance requirements. 

Allowable Expenditures

Except as specifically addressed by Federal regulations or contract provisions, 

expenditures will be subject to University System regulations as they govern the use of state funds. University System policies for purchasing, travel and personnel shall apply to sponsored funds unless these policies conflict with Federal regulations.  

Budget Management


As a unit of the University System of Georgia that is governed by the system-wide Board of Regents, Georgia Southwestern State University prepares an annual budget consistent with the University System guidelines. The budget included several funds: Education and General, Auxiliary Enterprises, Capital Projects and Student Activities. 

Education and General

Directors, deans, and other budget heads make budget proposal requests to members of the President's Administrative Council. With this information, the President along with the Administrative Council prepares a budget proposal for the University and presents it to the Board of Regents. The Board of Regents must approve budget requests by President. These requests are then submitted to the Governor, who proposes a budget for the General Assembly's approval. Once approval has been made by the legislature, budget allocations are made by the Regents Central Office to all of the systems institutions. The Vice President for Business and Finance with direction from the President and his Administrative Council then re-evaluate all budget proposals, needs and salary adjustments based upon allocations to Georgia Southwestern. A budget is then submitted to the Board of Regents for final approval before the new fiscal year begins on July 1. 

Auxiliary Enterprises

Various administrators in Auxiliary Enterprises present budget requests to the Director of Auxiliary Services. The Director then prepares a budget based on these requests as well as revenue projections. The budget is submitted to the President and the Administrative Council for their review and approval. This budget is then forwarded on to the board of Regents for their approval before the new fiscal year begins on July 1. 

Capital Budget

The University divides the Capital Budget into two separate areas: Unexpended Plant Fund and Reserve for Renewals and Replacements. The Director of Plant Operations, Business and Finance Committee, and the Vice President for Business and Finance along with input from various administrative units around campus, assess facilities needs. From this assessment a list of projects are prioritized by the President and the Administrative Council into the Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan. The President requests major and minor capital outlay items, as well as Major Repair and Rehabilitation (MRR) funds from the Board of Regents based on our Capital Outlay Plan. The approved allocation from the Board of Regents along with interest income and various donations comprise the sources of the Unexpended Plant Budget. This budget is submitted to the Board of Regents for final approval before July 1. 

The Renewals and Replacement Budget is funded entirely from reserves generated from the Auxiliary Enterprise Fund. Directors of Auxiliary units request allocations from this budget from the Director of Auxiliary Enterprises. The Director of Auxiliary Enterprises along with the Director of Plant Operations and the Vice President of Business and Finance prepare a budget for this fund. The President approves the budget before being submitted to the Board of Regents for final approval. 

Student Activities

The Comptroller projects out total funding available from the student activity fees. Based upon this projection, funds are allocated to the Student Government Association and the Vice President of Student Affairs. Both of these groups hold budget hearings with various student-related groups to determine how these funds will be allocated. The Comptroller prepares the student activities budget based upon their requests. The President and the Administrative Council approve the budget before being submitted to the Board of Regents for final approval. 

Budget Management

Sound budgetary management is the responsibility of each department. Each department head is responsible to his/her division chairperson for maintaining budget control. In order for the University to maintain financial solvency, it is essential that each department operate within its budget. The University based upon latest fiscal information or changing priorities makes budget amendments as necessary. Each of these amendments are submitted to the Board of Regents for final approval.

Budget Management Reports

Generally within 5 working days of the end of the month (excluding June) each department head should run a cumulative report from the PeopleSoft system, which allows comparison of budgeted and actual expenditures. This report (the Budget Progress Report) should be reviewed, with any apparent errors or omissions reported to the Comptroller. 

Check Requests

Checks are run once per week, generally on Wednesdays.  When requesting checks, please keep this in mind.  All requests should be reviewed for correct coding prior to processing. 

When requesting checks for persons who provide services, it is necessary for tax reporting that the individual's correct social security number and address be provided, as well as a signed independent contract. Information relating to the check request should accompany the request. Normal purchases for which we are invoiced should be processed as described in the Procurement section of this manual. 

Outstanding Check Policy

The outstanding check register will be reviewed monthly to determine if there are outstanding checks over 1 year old.  All individuals or businesses holding checks over 1 year old will be contacted either by phone or mail to determine the status of the check.  Checks will be reissued if necessary.  Checks that cannot  be cleared will be moved to the University's unclaimed property account.  One check will be issued yearly to the Unclaimed Property Division of the Georgia Department of Revenue. 

Registration/Student Fees

Student fees are due at the time of registration, and cannot be deferred. Students who drop a class during the drop/add period will receive a full refund for the dropped hours. After the drop/add period, partial refunds will be made only for complete withdrawal from all classes in accordance with the published refund policy. 

Cashier Hours

The cashier's window is open at Student Accounts from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (Monday-Thursday) and 8:30 am – 3:00 pm (Friday). Transactions must be limited to these hours only.  


Travel regulations are established by the board of Regents. However, these regulations are updated periodically, so direct any travel-related questions to the office of Accounting Services. 

Georgia Southwestern State University Policy (Interpretation of Travel Regulations) 

Employees will use the Travel and Expense module to request reimbursement.

The local policies listed below are based on local interpretation of policy where the institution is granted some discretion in the administration of the policy. In some cases, Regents policy is simply re-stated in order to provide a quick reference for specific situations. 


Will be determined by the most direct route as listed on the Travel Approval Form. A reasonable amount of local mileage (upon reaching a destination) is allowed and should be listed as such. Local mileage should be explained on the Travel Expense Statement. 

Reimbursement is 58 cents per mile. 

Employees are expected to travel together to the same destination in the same vehicle in order to claim mileage. Reimbursement for more than one vehicle traveling to the same destination will not be allowed unless a specific business-related reason is given and deemed reasonable by the appropriate review authority. In the event that more than one employee claims mileage reimbursement for such travel and there is no justification, the mileage reimbursement for one vehicle will be divided equally among those who drove. 


Reimbursement for three meals up to a maximum of $28.00 per day is allowed in most cases.  Reimbursement rates for high cost areas will be determined based on the location. 

Meals are normally reimbursed only if overnight lodging is incurred.


Employees should request the special rate for the State employees. Expenses for official telephone calls are allowable; if on the lodging bill they should be explained.

State employees traveling on official business in Georgia should not be charged county municipal excise tax. 

The exemption of the Local Hotel/Motel Excise Tax Form should be completed and presented to the hotel/motel clerk. This can result in substantial savings to the department. This can be found under Business Forms.


Please explain on the expense statement anything out of the ordinary. The statements are subsequently reviewed by outside auditors, so full, concise explanations are important. 

Registration fees in excess of $50.00 may be prepaid upon request. Send the registration form attached to a disbursement authorization form to Accounting Services.

Travel Payment for Job Interviews

Job applicants for Faculty positions and certain senior Administrative positions as approved by the President are eligible for reimbursement of travel cost for their interviews. To be eligible to receive travel reimbursement the applicant must perform a service to the institution such as a presentation on subject matter applicable to the position applied for.(See BOR Policy 19.9) The reimbursement rate and allowable items will be the same as state travel regulations.  Non-employees will complete the paper travel expenses statement found at Business Forms.

Moving Expense Policy Statement

Faculty members and certain Senior Administrative staff as approved by the President are eligible for reimbursement of moving expenses up to $5,000 provided that this payment is a part of their original offer letter. These expenses will have to be paid from the budget of the department head making the offer, thus , budgeted funds must be available. (For payment method, expenses covered and other details see Office of Planning and Budget memo, O.C.G.A. 45-7-22 and 45-7-24). Human Resources must be notifies so this information can be included in the original offer letter.  

Travel Approval Form

The Travel Approval Form should be completed and forwarded to the Accounting Department. PRIOR to making the trip. This is for Insurance purposes. 

Because of budgetary requirements, the estimated expenditures should be as accurate as possible. Include all account numbers to which the travel is to be charged, with the proper approvals. Forward to the Accounting Office for date stamping and filing. 

If you had registration fees or airline tickets prepaid, please show that this was prepaid on the form. 

If you request registration fees or tickets to be prepaid, please send your travel approval form with the request.  

Travel Expense Statement

The Travel Expense Statement should be filled in completely. After completing the form, all receipts should be attached to the back of the form, the form should be signed, approved for payment and forwarded to the Accounting Office. 

Section 1

This section should be filled in completely. Account number to be charged should be listed as Title Code. Include social security numbers on all forms. The address section should be complete (including zip code). 

Section 2

This section should be filled in (even if subsistence is not claimed); with the days, accurate times departed and arrived and points visited. Actual amounts for allowable meals should be listed, even if they are over the allowable amount. Any unusual 

amounts claimed should be explained in Section 3. If a meal was included in the registration fee or was an integral part of the meeting, make a note in the proper block and explain in the following section. The lodging should be listed for each day. If more than one state employee shared a room, the amount listed should be for his/her portion of the room. If the room is shared with a non-state employee (e.g. spouse), then the room should be listed at the single rate. Total all lines and columns. Do not write in right-hand column. This is for Accounting Office use only.

Section 3

Include any unusual amounts for meals, lodging, mileage. If any portion of travel was prepaid, make a note here. 

Section 4

If you drove your vehicle, state mileage here and extend. If you rode with someone, state with whom you rode. If you rode in a state vehicle or if you drove but are not claiming any mileage, please note on form. Mileage is figured on the shortest route between two points of travel. Any overages need an explanation. 

Section 5

Include all charges listed on reverse side of form. If any charges were prepaid by the University, please note 

Section 6

Total subsistence, mileage, and common carrier and enter here. This amount will be charged to the travel budget. 

Section 7

Include all charges listed on the reverse side of form. If any charges were prepaid by the University, please note. 

Section 8

Total #6 and #7 for a grand total to be reimbursed. 

Section 9

This section must be approved by your department head, signed and dated 

Section 10

Do not write in this column - For Accounting Use only 

Section 11

Your vehicle license number is required on all forms if you drove your car. Enter the date of return to home or University. 

Section 12A

List the day of the month 

Section 12B

List all points visited, listing local mileage at destination on a separate line 

Section 12C

Actual Odometer readings should be listed, (not trip meter readings) 

Section 12D

List total miles driven daily. If you had any personal mileage, list it and subtract it from the daily total. The total miles driven should be business miles driven. List and explain allowable local mileage (at destination) separately. 

Section 12E

Enter totals from each column and transfer state mileage to Section #4 for computation. 

Section 13

Always enter the purpose of trip, even if it is on the green travel approval form. Check the box if you have standing authorization. 

Section 14

Enter date, to whom paid and the amount of any expenses incurred for airline, taxi, parking, rental car, bus, or train. Enter this amount in Section #5. Receipts are required for reimbursement.

Section 15

Enter date, explanation and amount paid for any miscellaneous expenses, such as registration fees, telephone charges (w/explanation), supplies purchases (w/explanation), postage (w/explanation), etc. If the registration fee included any meals, please note here. Receipts are required for reimbursement.

Food Purchases


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide guidance and clarify instances where food may be purchased for consumption by students, potential students, volunteers, participants, guests, and employees not on travel status or otherwise eligible for payment of meals or other food using institutional funds in accordance with the Board of Regents USG Business Procedures Manual (BPM), sections 19.7 and 19.8 which may be accessed via Additionally, Section 4 of the Statewide Travel Regulations addresses employee and non-employee group meals which may be accessed via If there is any conflict with the BPM or Statewide Travel Regulations and this policy and procedure, the Manual and Regulations govern.

Nothing in the policy or procedure shall be construed as requiring a school or department to provide food to employees for events or to reimburse employees for participation in events.


Institutional funds – all funds held in University accounts, excluding Agency funds. The use of institutional funds, especially for food/meal purchases, is held at a higher level of scrutiny and oversight. Employees responsible for administering institutional funds and employees requesting reimbursement from institutional funds should ensure that funds are spent only for legitimate public purposes and not for the personal benefit of the employee or other individuals. All expenses and supporting documentation are open to public records. Noncompliance with these requirements may result in audit finding, loss of funds, and adverse publicity to the University and individuals. The misuse of institutional funds may result in both employment termination and various civil and criminal penalties.

Agency Funds – funds received and administered for others (i.e.: individual students, faculty, staff members, or other organizations). Disposition of these funds are in accord with designations and instructions of the entity for which the University is serving as agent.

Food Purchases – includes meals, beverages, snacks, etc. unless otherwise stated in policy. The purchase of alcohol is never an allowable purchase with institutional funds including Agency funds.

Refreshments and Snacks – assorted light foods; food eaten between regular meals.

Participant – An individual may be subject to different rules depending on the capacity in which they are participating in an event. For example, volunteers might include employees or students if the individual is operating in a capacity separate from their employee or student role. An employee or volunteer attending a student event as a student would be considered a student. A student worker participating in an event while being paid would be considered an employee. Employees working additional hours in their own area, using work time to provide volunteer service, or otherwise participating in activities expected of employees, are considered employees.

Activity Matching Funding Source – The funding source used to purchase food should generally match the supported program and participants. For example, student activity fees would be an appropriate funding source to purchase beverages for a volunteer event sponsored by a student group.

Per Diem Limits – Unless otherwise specified, all meal and food purchases must comply with per diem meal rates as detailed in USG BPM Section 4.3 – Per Diem Allowance for Meals to determine allowable reimbursement amount. The Board of Regents policy specifies that while participants are not necessarily in a travel status, the state travel per diem limits apply to food purchase for consumption by employees, students and volunteers at all events at which a meal is served, unless otherwise specified.


I. Purchase of Food Using Institutional Funds - USG Business Procedure Manual Section 19.8

Food for Students

Students include individuals enrolled to take classes at Georgia Southwestern, including students enrolled in Continuing Education, and individuals being recruited as potential students. Using the USG BPM Guidelines, institutional funds may be used to purchase food for students for: sanctioned student events, classroom and academic programs, student recruiting events, athletic events and recruiting, and volunteer events (see chart below). Per diem limits apply.

Food for Volunteers

Volunteers include individuals that provide benefits to the institution (serving on an advisory board, student mentors, etc.) without receiving compensation. Institutional funds may be used to purchase food for volunteers in those instances where a quid pro quo relationship exists. For example, an academic unit might form a volunteer advisory board for the purpose of obtaining advice, support, and expertise from members of the community as it relates to an academic program. It would be allowable to provide food to those volunteers as part of the advisory board meeting. However, food purchased solely in connection with volunteer appreciation or volunteer recognition events would not be allowable using institutional funds under this policy. Per Diem Limits apply.

Food for Employees

Generally, institutional funds may be used to provide food for employees when in travel status. However, there are a few exceptions where employees in non-travel status may participate in meals or be reimbursed for meal costs that have been defined in USG Policy Manual 8.2, USG BPM 19.7 or 19.8, and Section 4 of the Statewide Travel Regulations. Per Diem Limits apply.

Employees include temporary, part-time, and full-time faculty/staff, administrators, resident assistants (RAs), graduate assistants, and other student employees. The employee's participation must be required, essential, and in furtherance of an official institutional program.

Sponsored Account Food Purchases

The University must comply with federal cost accounting standards and these standards require consistency in the treatment of costs. The University does not use sponsored funds for business related entertainment since University state accounts do not allow the purchase of business related entertainment.

In some instances, an external organization may award funds to the institution with the specific provision that those funds be used for employee or participant food expenses as it relates to grant activities or meetings. An example of a special situation is an all-day seminar or meeting when a food, beverage, refreshment or meal cost meets the three criteria of allowable, allocable and reasonable to the specified sponsored project. In these types of instances, food may be purchased within the grant guidelines.

The grant/contract award with associated budget and narrative that include food purchases for meetings or conferences will serve as written authorization from granting agencies for appropriate food in furtherance of the objectives of the grant award. Food purchases for sponsored projects may include actual meals and/or snacks.

For grant or contractual related food purchases, the Grant Principal Investigator/Project Director and Research and Accounting are responsible for assuring that all costs are allowable under the terms and approved budget of the grant. It will be the responsibility of the Principal Investigator/Project Director to obtain personal or other funding for any difference between the allowable per diem and the actual invoice amount for cases in which the invoice exceeds the allowable rate.

II. Employee Group Meals - USG Business Procedure Manual Section 19.7

GSW Employee Group Meals within the University

On occasion, the institution may purchase meals for a group of employees when such employees are not on travel status or otherwise during mealtime. Those circumstances include emergency situations, such as natural disasters and crisis operations. Other circumstances may include intra-departmental meetings or training sessions where the meeting or training session continues during the meal and the employees are not permitted to leave the premises of the meeting site. Under these circumstances, institutions may purchase meals for the affected employees using the standards set forth in the USG Business Procedures Manual Section 19.7.1.

The expense for group meals should be charged to account 727700.

The following standards are to be followed when making food purchases for meetings involving only University employees:

  1. Group meals should be held only to facilitate the effective and efficient operations of the departments involved.

  2. Group meals should only be provided in those instances where the meeting lasts for at least four (4) hours.

  3. Group meals held at the start and/or finish of a meeting are not eligible for payment under this policy.

  4. Purchase of group meals should be approved by the head of the organization, or his/her designee, prior to the date of the event (for non-emergency situations). All of the documents that were a part of the prior approval package should be submitted with the payment request along with the prior approval. All documents should be retained with the payment package for audit purposes. The prior approval request should include:Authorized group meal expenditures are limited to the purchase of meals only and do not include snacks.

    1. The purpose of the meeting or event

    2. A formal written agenda including session times

    3. A list of attendees with their associated departments/entities

    4. The expected cost of the meal per person

  5. Authorized group meal expenditures are limited to the purchase of meals only and do not include snacks.

  6. Meal limits outlined in BPM Section 4.4, Per Diem Allowance for Meals, must be followed. However, the meal limits apply to the actual food and drink purchased for the meal. Set-up and delivery costs associated with the group meal shall not be included in the meal limit calculation.

  7. Group meals for a "lunch meeting," in which the meal and the meeting are one and the same, are prohibited for payment under this policy.

Food Purchased for Conferences and Workshops Involving Multiple Institutions and Other Stakeholders

Units hosting and coordinating conferences and workshops collect registration fees that may be used for food for meals and breaks which are an official and integral component of the conference or workshop. These funds are recorded in an Agency account in the financial records of the University. Meal per diem limits are not imposed on purchases made from these Agency funds. The source of funds must be primarily external to the University. This section does not apply to campus level training for Georgia Southwestern employees. Further detail is located in the USG BPM Section 19.7.2.

Campus units may not set up departmental Agency accounts for the purpose of paying for employee meals under this section of the policy.

III. Documentation Requirements and Enforcement of Per Diem Limits

Payment requests must include the following:

  1. Invoices or Receipts (if reimbursing an individual)

  2. Flyer, email, agenda or other documentation to show that the event was an official event. This documentation should also include the start and end time of the event.

  3. Food purchased on a per person basis must include a list of participants.

  4. Food purchased for a group must include the group provided for (students, volunteers, etc.) and the number of participants.

In the event that an employee expends funds in excess of the authorized state travel policy per diem, the excess amount should be covered by the employee making that expenditure from personal or University Foundation funds. Catered meal costs may not exceed the per diem limits set forth in the statewide travel regulations. Where possible, the caterer should be asked to show the food cost separately from other costs of the event.

Employee group meals purchased outside of a catered arrangement must be accompanied by a written justification as to why the food was purchased outside of a catering arrangement. For example, food purchased from a grocery store, such as sub sandwiches, to provide a meal at a lower cost than what was estimated by a caterer must be justified as such. This justification is necessary to ensure that the food was not purchased for personal use.

Reference Chart of normal, allowable expenses and limits:
Activity Allowable Participants Potential Funding Source(s) Notes
Sanctioned Student Events (excluding athletic events)
  • Students
  • Volunteers
  • Employees whose participation is required
  • Student Activity Fees
  • Sponsored Grants or Contract Funds as authorized by fund provider
  • Agency funds
  • Auxiliary funds
  • See BPM Sections 19.8.1, 19.8.2, 19.8.3
  • Per diem limits apply
Athletic Events & Recruiting
  • Students
  • Potential students & parents/guardians
  • Volunteers
  • Employees whose participation is required
  • Agency funds
  • Athletic Auxiliary Funds
  • Student Athletic Fees
  • See BPM Sections 19.8.1, 19.8.2, 19.8.3
  • Per diem limits apply
  • Applicable athletic conference rules shall also be followed
Classroom & Academic Programs
  • Students
  • Employees whose participation is required
  • Sales & Service Revenue
  • State appropriated funds for use only in credit courses,
  • Tuition & Fee Revenue
  • Misc. E&G Revenue
  • Sponsored Grants or Contract Funds as authorized by fund provider
  • See BPM Sections 19.8.1 and 19.8.2.
Student Recruiting Events
  • Students
  • Potential students & parents/guardians
  • Volunteers
  • Employees whose participation is required
  • Student Activity Fees
  • Auxiliary Funds
  • Agency Funds
  • Sponsored Grants or Contract Funds as authorized by fund provider
  • See BPM Sections 19.8.1, 19.8.2, and 19.8.3
  • Per diem limits apply
Volunteer Events
  • Students
  • Volunteers
  • Employees whose participation is required
  • All funds except state appropriated funds, tuition revenue
  • Recognized “executive” program tuition revenue may be used to purchase food for volunteer events
  • See BPM Sections 19.8.2 and 19.8.3
  • Per diem limits apply
  • Volunteer events with sole purpose of recognition or appreciation for past services may not be paid using any fund source except for Foundation funds
Safety Products (i.e.: water)
  • Students
  • Volunteers
  • Employees at risk due to environmental or workplace conditions
  • Auxiliary funds
  • Sales and service revenue
  • State appropriated funds
  • Student Activity Fees
  • Tuition & Fee Revenue
  • Misc. E&G Revenue
  • Sponsored Grants or Contract Funds as authorized by fund provider
  • See BPM Section 19.8.3
  • Expenses should be paid using the departmental budget of the assigned employees
Educational or Business Meetings
  • Students
  • Volunteers
  • Employees whose participation is required
  • Auxiliary funds
  • Sales and service revenue
  • State appropriated funds
  • Sponsored Grants or Contract Funds as authorized by fund provider
  • See BPM Section 19.8.3
  • Meeting must consist of predominantly non-employees
  • Per diem limits apply
Employee Group Meals
  • Employees whose participation is required
  • Sales and service revenue
  • Auxiliary funds
  • State appropriated funds
  • Tuition & Fee Revenue
  • Misc. E&G Revenue
  • Sponsored Grants or Contract Funds as authorized by fund provider
  • See BPM Section 19.7.1
  • Meeting must consist of employees
  • Per diem limits apply

Payment Procedure

Allowable food purchases referenced in this policy may be purchased and paid for using one of the following methods:

  • Disbursement Authorization Form to pay the vendor providing the food or meal

  • Expense Reimbursement Request when the vendor is paid directly by an employee or student

  • Petty Cash Request up to $200

  • P-card if the cardholder has been preapproved to use their card for food purchases

All purchase or payment requests must include the supporting documentation listed in Section III of the policy.

Group events (generally student and volunteer groups) where food is purchased for the group (pizza, subs, etc.), requires that the number of participants be provided along with the payment request.

Administrative Computing

Computer and Network Usage Policy


This document details the Acceptable Use and relevant Ethics which cover the proper utilization of the computers, networks and related services at Georgia Southwestern State University. This policy has been developed to foster a computing environment at GSW that furthers the academic, research and service mission of the University. Providing this environment requires equitable resource distribution, computer and network availability, personal privacy and data integrity. Achieving this goal requires that everyone in the University community cooperate and adhere to these guidelines. This policy has been developed by members of the Office of Administrative Computing in conjunction with the Administrative Council. 

Authorized Users

Individuals who have been granted and hold an active and authorized account on a GSW computer or network and abide by this policy are considered authorized users. 

Authorized Use

Authorized use is predicated on access by an authorized user. Authorized use is that which is consistent with the academic, research and service goals of this institution and falls within the guidelines of this policy and the policy of the Board of Regents which states that property owned by the institution shall be used only for institutional purposes. Any individually owned computer or electronic device connected to the campus network is also subject to the guidelines of this policy. Placement of any network device such as servers, modems, hubs, routers, switches, cameras, etc., must be approved by the Department of Information Services prior to being connected to the network. Upon submission of the completed network registration form, Residence Hall occupants may connect one computer to the campus network for personal use only. 

Individual Rights Policy

The computing professionals at GSW are committed to preserving the privacy of each authorized user of the computer systems and give every effort to ensure that computers and electronic devices are not used to prevent this. However, it is impossible to guarantee such privacy and there are several specific issues that users must be aware of. Electronic mail messages are not secure and therefore should not be assumed to be private. Also, despite best efforts to prevent it, a determined person could gain unauthorized access to stored data and thus violate your privacy. Under the Georgia Open Records law it is possible that information which is stored on a computer system, including electronic mail, would be available for inspection by any member of the public. Finally, in the process of performing normal system/network management and auditing functions, it may be necessary to view user's files or confidential information However, system, network and application administrators are bound by both professional ethics as well as job requirements to respect the privacy of those involved and not initiate disclosure of information obtained in this manner unless it is discovered that provisions of this policy or existing state or federal laws have been violated. 

Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression is a constitutional right afforded to all members of the community and existing University policies apply equally to computerized expression, subject to section on Authorized Use of this policy. GSW computer and network users should realize that there are services available on the Internet which may be considered offensive to some. With this in mind, users take responsibility for their own navigation of the network. 

Safety and Freedom from Harassment

While GSW cannot control harassment or unsolicited contact on the network, those who believe they have been harassed should follow standard University procedures and bring such violations to the attention of the Public Safety Department. 

Individual Responsibilities

Users of GSW computer equipment are expected to understand this policy and abide by it. This policy is widely distributed and easily accessible, so lack of knowledge of this policy is not an excuse for failure to observe it. Questions regarding this policy can be directed to the Office of Administrative Computing, Human Resources, or the Office of Student Life. Disregard for this policy may result in disciplinary actions as set forth in Section on Sanctions in this policy. 

Morals and Ethics

Users are expected to respect the right to privacy of other individuals on the network. Do not go browsing around in someone's files even if security permissions permit. This is analogous to condoning someone rifling around on your desk or in your house simply because you forgot to lock your door. It is expected that explicit permission from the owner of the files is obtained before they are accessed. Users are expected to respect the right of freedom of expression of other individuals on the network. 

Expected Behaviors

This section details some guidelines relating to computer based activities. GSW computer users are expected to read sign on messages and the University Web Page for specific information such as system changes, policies and scheduled downtime. System and network administrators may find it necessary to contact you regarding policy issues. If repeated attempts to contact an individual are unsuccessful, the system or network administrator may be forced to temporarily deactivate the account simply to compel the owner to make return contact. 

User ids and Passwords

It is a violation of policy to use a computer user id (or any computer resource) that is not assigned to you or to share user id and passwords with other individuals (including something personnel). A computer user id is granted to an individual and that individual is responsible for any use of that account. If you knowingly share your user id and password with someone else and this policy is violated, you will also be subject of the sanctions outlined in the Section on Sanctions in this policy. If file sharing with others is necessary, there are methods and techniques to accomplish this without sharing your user id and password. Users should follow guidelines for password selection which includes choosing a password that is not found in a dictionary, changing it often, and verifying the last logon time. Remember that your password is the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your account. 

Providing Services

Users are not permitted to provide network or computer-based services using GSW computers or networks either by way of direct network connection or by way of modern access without prior permission from the department responsible for the computers or networks in question. Examples of such services include, but are not limited to Telnet, FTP, WEB services, and E-mail servers, via the campus network to GSW computers. 

Unauthorized Access

You must not attempt to guess or break another user's password. Attempts to gain access to GSW computers and networks to which you are not authorized is prohibited. You may not use GSW facilities to login or attempt to login to computers external to GSW to which you are not authorized. If you suspect that your account has been compromised, you should contact the administrator in the department which is responsible for the computer or network in question. 

Unauthorized monitoring

Users are not permitted to use computers and networks to monitor or attempt to monitor electronic transmissions. 

Disruption of Service

Deliberate attempts to disrupt the operation or degrade the performance of computers or networks are prohibited. 

Distribution of Resources

Do not circumvent or attempt to circumvent any policies or procedures that have been established to ensure equitable resource distribution in our shared computing environment. For example, you must not deliberately circumvent the modem inactivity timer. 

Mass Electronic Mailings

University -wide electronic mailings are not permitted without prior permission from the Office of Administrative Computing due to the heavy use of resources this requires. In general, there are better and more efficient ways to make information globally available. 

Game Playing

The policy regarding game playing on GSW computers and networks is established by the department responsible for the computers and networks in question. However, no department should permit game playing to interfere with normal University business. 

Business Use

There is to be no use of GSW computers or networks for non-GSW business purposes or non-GSW related employment. 

Use of Copyrighted or Licensed Materials

There shall be no copying or installation of software on GSW computers if such copying or installation would violate any copyright or licensing agreement. You may be asked to show a valid license agreement to ensure the legal use of software on GSW computers. Contact the department head responsible for the specific computer if you have any questions regarding licensing issues. 


Violators of this policy may be subject to one or more of the following sanctions which can be imposed by the department responsible for the computers and networks on which the violation occurred: 


2. Temporary or permanent suspension of computer privileges 

3. Temporary or permanent suspension of lab privileges 

Additional sanctions, such as University suspension and employee action, may also apply as outlined in the Weathervane and the Classified Employee Handbook. Legal action can also be taken as per Section on Legal Restraints. Appeals to these sanctions are explained in the Section on Appeals. 

Legal Restraints

Users of GSW computing facilities are expected to abide by State and Federal laws that apply to the usage of computers. These laws exist to "establish certain acts involving computer fraud or abuse as crimes punishable by defined fines or imprisonment or both". 

As an example, the Georgia Computer Systems Protection Act was enacted in 1991 to "provide for criminal liability and the definition of penalties for the crimes of computer theft, computer trespass, computer invasion of privacy, computer forgery, and computer password disclosure". The penalties range from fines up to $50,000 and imprisonment up to 15 years. The full text of this act is available on the World Wide Web. 


Appeals to sanctions should be handled through the existing University grievance and appeals policy for both employees and students. 

Selection, Installation and Support of Computer Software and Hardware

The following outlines the University's policy for selection, installation and support of university-owned computer systems. 


When software or hardware is to be purchased, current standards for supported computer systems may be obtained from Administrative Computing by contacting the Operations Manager or sending an electronic mail request to The Administrative computing staff can assist in selection of items that are compatible with existing equipment and the campus network, and assure that proper software licenses are maintained. 


The staff in the Office of Administrative Computing is responsible for installing licensed software on campus computer systems and for providing technical support for licensed software in consultation with vendors. However, they cannot be responsible for support of unlicensed software or improperly installed software. They also cannot always correct a problem with licenses software that was created by improper installation of software. 


The staff in the Office of Administrative Computing will install computer hardware as well as support and maintain that hardware in consultation with vendors. The staff is not responsible for installation or performance of hardware that is not compatible with existing equipment and network. 


The staff in the Office of Administrative Computing is committed to providing installation of hardware and software at the earliest possible date after delivery of equipment or software. Thus, it should not be necessary for anyone other than staff in the Office of Administrative Computing to provide installations. The staff may not be able to provide proper support for a computer system if equipment or software is installed by persons other than staff in the Office of Administrative Computing. 

Adding Devices and Applications to the Campus Network

If a person or department wishes to add any network-based application or device, i.e., computer, printer, server, etc., to the campus network, the proposal should be reviewed by the Network Administrator, preferably during the planning stage, for the purpose of assessing the impact of the application or device on the resources of the network, as any networked application or networked device affects the performance to some degree of all applications and devices which depend upon the network.

Auxiliary Services


Auxiliary Services is a combination of self-supporting operations that exists to furnish a service directly or indirectly to students, faculty, and staff and charges a fee directly related to, but not necessarily equal to, the cost of the service". 

In accordance with Regents' Policy, Sec. 702.02, "These operations shall be placed on a self-supporting basis, and the State will not make an appropriation to finance its operations." 


All services operated (as Auxiliary Services) are by nature basically business services and direct management, control and supervision of the Chief Business office of the Institution". (Regents' Policy Section 7.11.01). 

The Director of Auxiliary Services is designated by the Vice President for Business and Finance to have the direct fiscal approval authority for all Auxiliary Services.

Residence Life

The Director Residence Life reports to the Assistant Dean for Students. All Housing policies are on file in this office in the Student Success Center. The Residence Life department is aligned under the Division of Student Affairs.

All single, full-time undergraduates who have earned less than 60 semester hours toward graduation, which does not include developmental studies credits, are required to live on-campus unless they are living with a parent or legal guardian within a 50-mile radius, are married, are 21 years of age or have their child living with them.

The Director Residence Life and Assistant Dean for Students coordinate all matters concerning Residence Life with the Vice President for Business Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs. All fiscal matters must be approved by the Director of Auxiliary Services.

Food Services

The Dining Hall, Canes Den, Java City and C-Store are contracted to a private food service company. The director reports to the Director of Auxiliary Services who directs and coordinates all activities. 

Catering on campus is exclusive to the contracted private food service company.  Arrangements for special events and catering should be made directly with the Director of Food Services. 

Funds budgeted under Education and General may not be used to purchase food or drink except as authorized on a Travel Expense Statement. For additional clarification, please call Auxiliary Services or Accounting Office. 



The Bookstore is a self-supporting facility for the use and benefit of the University community. It is a vital link in the educational process not only in providing textbooks, but other supplies as well. The bookstore is normally open from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Fridays. These hours will vary from extended hours of operation at the beginning of each semester to limited summer and holiday schedules. 

Cash Control Policy

All Bookstore cash sales and other cash receipts (commission, vendor refunds, etc.) should be recorded on a cash register so there will be a dated, chronological record of entry. 

Each cashier will be responsible for their cash drawer during their shift. The register should be cleared and balanced daily by the Assistant Manager, who will then verify and complete the daily report. Deposits are made to Student Accounts. During rush periods, deposits will be made directly to the bank institution. 

All unattended monies should be secured in a locked drawer or safe. All deposits should be made immediately after reports are complete. Public Safety should be contacted when large sums of money are transferred. 

Acceptable Payment for Merchandise Policy

Checks, cash, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, store gift cards financial aid and third party vouchers are acceptable as payment for the purchase of merchandise in the Bookstore. 

Some points on accepting checks: 

Checks must have an imprinted account number on them. Counter checks which have the account number written in are not acceptable. 

Checks must be payable to "GSW Bookstore". 

All checks should have the customer's Student ID number or driver’s license number. Verify the number against a valid student ID or driver's license. 

The writing on the check must be legible; especially the written amount of the purchase. 

Traveler's Checks are acceptable. Be sure both customer's signatures look identical. 

Customers may write checks for $25.00 over the amount of purchase if the above conditions are met, and the Bookstore has sufficient petty cash. The Bookstore does not cash checks over $25.00; refer customers to the Student Accounts or a local bank. 

Customer Returns/Refund Policy

The Bookstore offers refunds or adjustments as a courtesy to those students who have changed classes. The key points of the policy are as follows: 

All requests for refunds or adjustments must be accompanied by a cash register receipt. 

A refund of 100% will be allowed until the last day to add/drop classes. New textbooks must be in mint condition with no writing or marks of any kind 

If a new book has been written in, damaged or has its shrinkwrap removed, at least a 25% charge will be deducted from the price. 

If the customer does not have a receipt or has exceeded the return date, suggest returning the book at buy-back during finals. 

Defective new textbooks will be replaced without charge. Defective used textbooks will be repaired or replaced depending on the nature of the defect. 

Items other than textbooks are eligible for a refund within two weeks of purchase with a cash register receipt. Items must be in "new" condition; clothing cannot be worn or washed.

Campus Parking

Student, faculty and staff parking is provided and operated through Public Safety. Students are charged an annual parking fee payable each Fall Semester. This fee is prorated for students entering after this time. Faculty and staff are provided parking at no cost. A current decal (available from Public Safety) must be displayed by all students, faculty, and staff parking a vehicle on campus. All vehicles must have the minimum liability insurance coverage as required by Georgia law. 

Refer to Public Safety Section for more specific information. 

Student Health Center

The Health Center Director reports to Vice President Students Affairs. The Health Center is aligned under the Division of Students Affairs.

The Health Center staff is comprised of the university physician and two nurse practitioners, one of whom serves as the Director of the Health Center and one registered nurse. The Health Center is open to students on a walk-in basis during the daytime and early evening hours. If a student needs emergency medical assistance when the Health Center is closed, the student should contact the Residence Life staff member on duty or Public Safety.

The semester health fee, paid by each student enrolled for three or more hours, entitles the student to consultation services with the professional staff of the Health Center. The University physician is available for patient visits at the Health Center on Friday mornings.

The services of GSW's university physician and nurse practitioners are available to all faculty and staff. Services include wellness care, acute minor illness or injury care, blood pressure checks, blood glucose monitoring, a women's clinic, and a men's clinic. Faculty and staff have the option of paying the student health per semester fee, which is presently $70, or paying per visit per treatment. A listing of these fees is available in the Health Center. Health Center hours are 7:30 am to 5:00pm on Monday through Thursday and 8:00am to 3:00pm on Friday.

Prescriptions for medications have to be obtained from the pharmacy of the patients’ choice and are the financial responsibility of the patient for whom they are prescribed.

Hospitalization, laboratory and x-ray services, and consultations with non-University medical specialist are not included in the semester health services fee. The Health Center staff, however, will assist the student in making appointments with a dentist or medical specialist.

Vending Services 

All vending services are contracted with private vendors. These vendors are: 

Coca-Cola Bottling Company - Drinks Only 

Mac-Gray Company - Residence Hall Washers & Dryers 

Americus Vending Company - Snacks 

Other Auxiliary Services

Other service operations may be added to these Auxiliary Services as the need arises. 

In regard to outside business operations, the following Regents' policy should be noted: 

"Institutions of the University System shall not permit the operation of private business enterprises on their campuses, except as otherwise provided by contract. All business enterprises operated on a campus of an Institution of the University System shall be operated as Auxiliary Enterprises and shall be under the direct management, control and supervision of the Chief Business Officer of the Institution." (BR Minutes, 1948-49, pp. 219-20; 1966-67, p. 354 and Regents' Policy 711.02). 

Copy Center


To provide high quality duplicating at the lowest possible cost. 


Five, high speed copiers with many special features are located throughout the University. They are available to all University departments that have been assigned an Entry Code. 

Only official University material may be duplicated. Only University budgeted functions will be assigned an Entry Code. 

It is the responsibility of each department to protect their Entry Code. All copies made against an Entry Code will be charged to your account monthly. If you feel you have lost the security on your Entry Code, you may request it be changed. 

Small convenience copiers are available in most departments for short run copying and test. Copies of student test may be made in any quantity if the instructor feels security might be a problem. Copies exceeding 10 to 15 of one original should be made on their assigned high volume copier. 

All employees are reminded to obey all copyright restrictions in using any University copier/duplicator. 

The rate per copy is adjusted as needed to respond to operating cost. Please check with Staff Assistant for Logistical Support in the Office of Vice President for Business and Finance for rates and services. 



The Bookstore is a self-supporting facility for the use and benefit of the University community. It is a vital link in the educational process not only in providing textbooks, but other supplies as well. The bookstore is normally open from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. on Friday's. These hours will vary from extended hours of operation at the beginning of each semester to summer and holiday schedules. 

Cash Control Policy

All Bookstore cash sales and other cash receipts (commission, vendor refunds, etc.) should be recorded on a cash register so there will be a dated, chronological record of entry. 

Each cashier will be responsible for their cash drawer during their shift. The register should be cleared and balanced daily by the Assistant Manager, who will then verify and complete the daily report. Deposits are made to the Accounting Office by 4:00 p.m. each day. During rush periods, deposits will be made directly to the bank institution. 

All unattended monies should be secured in a locked drawer or safe. All deposits should be made immediately after reports are complete. Public Safety should be contacted when large sums of money are transferred. 

Acceptable Payment for Merchandise Policy

Checks, cash or MC/Visa/Discover charge cards are acceptable as payment for the purchase of merchandise in the Bookstore. 

Some points on accepting checks: 

Checks must have an imprinted account number on them. Counter checks which have the account number written in are not acceptable. 

Checks must be payable to "GSW. Bookstore". 

All checks should have the customer's Social Security Number. Verify the number against a valid student ID or driver's license. 

The writing on the check must be legible; especially the written amount of the purchase. 

Traveler's Checks are acceptable. Be sure both customer's signatures look identical. 

Customers may write checks for $10.00 over the amount of purchase if the above conditions are met, and the Bookstore has sufficient petty cash. The Bookstore does not cash checks over $10.00; refer customers to the Accounting Office or local bank. 

Customer Returns/Refund Policy

The Bookstore offers refunds or adjustments as a courtesy to those students who have changed classes. The key points of the policy are as follows: 

All requests for refunds or adjustments must be accompanied by a cash register receipt. 

A refund of 100% will be allowed during the first ten business days of the semester (with valid ID and receipt).  No refunds will be given after 10 days. 

New textbooks must be in mint condition with no writing or marks of any kind 

If a new book has been written in or damaged, at least a 25% charge will be deducted from the price. 

If the customer does not have a receipt or has exceeded the return date, suggest returning the book at buy-back during finals. 

Defective new textbooks will be replaced without charge. Defective used textbooks will be repaired or replaced depending on the nature of the defect. 

Items other than textbooks are eligible for a refund within two weeks of purchase with a cash register receipt. Items must be in "new" condition; clothing cannot be worn or washed. 

Items on sale are not refundable; sale clothing may be exchanged for another size. 

Environmental Health and Safety

Risk Management


Auxiliary Services oversees the institution's interest in the State of Georgia Self-Insurance Program. This program provides protection against many risks. Some programs are supplemented by additional coverage by the Board of Regents. 


1. Building and Contents Coverage: Replacement Cost 

2. All Risks Coverage: Monies and Securities 

Property in Transit 

Fine Arts Exhibits 

Hull Damage - Boats & Aircraft 

Most risks can be covered by request. Premiums are very reasonable. 

3. Automobile - Physical Damage 

4. Employee Broad Form General Liability 

5. Automobile Liability 

6. Personal Vehicle Excess Liability 

7. Fidelity Bonds 

8. Hazardous Material Liability 

9. Workers Compensation 

10. State Unemployment Fund 

Safety programs and training are available on request. Please contact the Director of Auxiliary Services for specifics or special needs. 

Materials Management


Laws of the State of Georgia require that the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) maintain an accurate central inventory of equipment (assets) owned by the State meeting the definition of inventoried equipment.  Under these laws and regulations of DOAS, the Board of Regents requires that each institution have a Property Control Officer who is responsible for recording and reporting acquisitions, placing asset identification tags on equipment, recording the internal movement of equipment, recording dispositions of equipment, verifying, and preparing periodic inventory reports.

Asset Manager

The Director of Materials Management is Asset Manager for Georgia Southwestern State University (telephone ext. 2066 or e-mail   The Asset Manager maintains a perpetual inventory listing of assets meeting the criteria for inventoried assets and performs other duties required by State laws, Board of Regents’ and Georgia Southwestern State University’s policies and procedures related to State-owned equipment.

Definition of Inventoried Assets

Any moveable item which is basically non-consumable and non-expendable in nature, such as motor vehicles, mechanized and non-mechanized equipment, office equipment, appliances, etc., having an estimate usable life of three or more years and an item acquisition cost of $1,000.00 or more. Weapons regardless of cost, and certain defined equipment purchased with Federal funding are also listed. 

Primary Responsibility for Departmental Assets

Each administrator dean, director, or department head is accountable for all assets assigned to their respective department(s) of responsibility.   This responsibility is not only for inventoried equipment, but non-inventoried equipment, and supply items as well.    Although this basic responsibility cannot be delegated, each administrator, dean, director, or department head may appoint an employee to be the departmental Inventory Coordinator.  State assets, regardless of acquisition cost or condition, may not be discarded or given away.  Call Materials Management, ext. 2301, or e-mail for assistance in complying with State policies and procedures for asset disposals.

Asset Inventory Listing

The Asset Manager makes updates and changes to the official University Asset Inventory only from written authorized documentation.  Departmental Inventory listings are available upon request to the Asset Manager at

Safeguarding Assets

Protecting State property is every State employee’s responsibility.  Care must be taken to secure and safeguard all assets against theft and misuse.  It is important to have documentation of the whereabouts of equipment at all times.  Insurance coverage for theft or loss is limited only to property that is documented on inventory. 

Room/Building Relocation

Notify the Asset Manager of asset relocations by completing the Transfer of Equipment Form and forwarding it to Materials Management/Asset Manager.  The form is available online HERE.

Departmental or Agency Transfers 

Notify the Asset Manager of asset transfers to another department within the University by use of the Transfer of Equipment Form.  The form must be signed as approved by the department head.  Transfers to another State agency require a Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) transaction number prior to transfer.  Contact the Asset Manager at for assistance.

Missing or Stolen Assets

Immediately upon noting that an asset is missing, Department heads must file a report with Campus Police and then notify the Asset Manager  State policy requires that stolen or missing equipment be noted on the Asset Inventory with the date that the equipment is noted as missing or stolen.  Theft coverage is limited to property that is documented on inventory, and evidence must be shown that it was secured at the time of theft.  Recovery of missing equipment should be immediately reported to the Asset Manager.

Trade in for Replacement Assets

A DOAS transaction number may be required prior to the trade-in of assets to ascertain whether the trade in will be in the best interest of the State.  Complete description of the trade-in asset including asset tag number, serial number, and trade in allowance must be noted on the replacement Field Purchase Order.

Surplus Assets

Surplus assets are defined as those assets declared by a department as no longer needed or economical to maintain.  See the Surplus Property sections for additional information.

Cannibalization of Assets

A DOAS transaction number may be necessary.  Contact the Asset Manager at prior to cannibalization of an asset, or to upgrade an asset that renders the asset unidentifiable by the original assigned identification tag number.

Asset Donations

Individuals or groups may donate unsolicited equipment to the University.  An asset tag will be assigned to items meeting the definition of inventoried assets.    Documentation must be sent to the Asset Manager indicating description, market value, location, and custodian of the asset.  University-owned assets may, whether donated to the University or those purchased by the University, may not be given away regardless of condition, age, or value.

Asset Identification Numbers

All assets received by the University that meet the definition of inventoried assets will be assigned and have affixed to them a unique Georgia Southwestern State University asset identification number.  When practical, assets will be tagged at the time of receipt at Central Receiving.  Assets requiring installation by the vendor and final inspection by the ordering department, and items, which do not lend themselves to being processed at the time of receipt, will be tagged and/or accounted for by personnel of Asset Management after delivery to the end user.  The department chair or inventory coordinator should promptly notify Property Control when equipment is received other than through Materials Management.

Home or Off-Campus use of State Property (Assets)

Personal property (assets) such as portable personal computers or similar items may be removed from a campus to the home of an employee of an off-campus site when the purpose is for business use only.  Such use shall be tightly controlled and documentation as to the location and use shall be available at all times. 

(BR Minutes, 1990-91, pp. 378-79.) 

Requests to remove equipment from campus are made by completing the Personal Property (Equipment) Located Off-Campus form.   Specific conditions for use by the employee and responsibilities of the department chair are noted on the back of the form.  Personal use of University property for other than official University business is a violation of Regents Policy 914.02.

Periodic Inventory Audits

Annually the Asset Manager is required by State and Regents’ policy to make a campus-wide physical inventory audit.  The department chair or the departmental inventory coordinator is required to accompany the Asset Manager or a designated representative during the audit. 

Periodically, unannounced audits are made by Georgia, Federal, and the Regents’ auditors to test the integrity of the Asset Inventory Listing.   Equipment selected for audit must be available or promptly produced for inspection.  Documentation must be available for equipment not found in its assigned location.

Surplus Property (Assets)

Surplus Assets (Property) - Definition

Surplus property is defined as any item that is non-consumable and non-expendable (i.e. after use, the property retains it original function/identify) which is no longer needed by the owning department.

The Asset Manager (Property Control Officer) is responsible for coordinating the disposal of all surplus, obsolete, or unusable University assets or other property and supplies  in accordance with State and Federal policies and procedures.

Declaration of Assets Surplus

The department head must make the declaration of assets as surplus by completing the Transfer of Equipment Form.   The completed form, with the department head’s signature affixed, must be forwarded to Materials Management for processing.  Materials Management personnel will remove the surplus property or forward the request to the Physical Plant movers. 

Surplus Computer Technology Assets

The department head must make the declaration of computer technology assets as surplus by completing the Transfer of Equipment Form.  The completed form, with the department head’s signature affixed, must then be forwarded to the Asset Manager for processing.   The Asset Manager will notify Administrative Computing technical staff who will then prepare the computers for disposal in accordance with State policies and procedures.  After completion of the surplus prep work by Tech Support of Administrative Computing, the items will be moved from the Department for final surplus disposition.

Surplus Property Acquisition

Materials Management maintains a “want list” of surplus items.  Available surplus items will be matched with items on the “want list” on a first come, first serve basis.  To add your name and specific request to the “want list” call Materials Management (ext. 2301) or e-mail

DOAS has available virtual warehouses.  Types of   property available are vehicles, equipment, furniture, law enforcement weapons and other miscellaneous items.  Many items are available at no charge. A purchase order number must be obtained prior to purchase of funded items.  Only authorized representatives may sign for surplus items selected.

There are restrictions relevant to the acquisition and use of surplus items.  All surplus items are subject to utilization audits by the Department of Administrative Services. 

Relevant Laws for Disposing of Surplus Assets (Property)

Most Georgia laws pertaining to the disposition of state surplus property can be found in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Title 50, Chapter 5, Article 4, Sections 140-146.

Penalty for Violation of Georgia Surplus Laws 

Georgia Code Section 50-5-146 - Any official, officer, or employee of the state who causes State property having a value of less than $200.00 to be disposed of in violation of Code Section 50-5-141 or 50-5-142 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.  If such property has a value of $200.00 or more, he shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year or more than five years.

Any official, officer, or employee of Georgia Southwestern State University found in violation of Surplus Property Policies and Procedures will be reported to the applicable Senior Administrator for appropriate action.

Central Supply

Central Supply

Central Supply Stocks basic, commonly-used classroom and office supplies.  These supplies are available to each budgeted department of Georgia Southwestern, and most at a large volume value regardless of quantity ordered by a Department.    Charges for supplies are at cost using a cost-averaging method of inventory.   Most of the core office supplies are ordered from mandated Statewide contracts.  Particular brand and style of goods are not always available from these contracts. 

Procedure for Ordering Supplies

A Central Stores catalog is available on-line under the Department of Materials Management.  Items may be selected and added to a shopping-cart style Internal Requisition Form.  The form may then be printed and faxed to Materials Management (ext 5030), sent through campus mail, or hand-delivered to Materials Management - Central Stores located in the Physical Plant building across from the Lakehouse.

To assure accuracy and provide adequate audit documentation, telephone orders cannot be accepted.

When notified in advance, Materials Management will assist in acquiring supplies when quantities requested exceed routine stock levels.

Order Processing

Requisitions are processed daily.   Ordering departments will receive a copy of a billing invoice to retain for their records.  The Accounting Office will post a total of the invoices for the month to Departmental budgets.

Central Supply closes for inventory one week at the end of each fiscal year.  Orders processed after inventory are charged to the next fiscal year’s budgets.  The last date for ordering supplies each fiscal year is announced to the campus in the spring. 

Central Supply Delivery Schedule

Deliveries are made on a daily basis with time permitting.  Circumstances do arise, however, that prohibit this schedule from being followed.  Internal requisitions that are urgent may be picked up by the ordering department.  For same day delivery please have your internal requisition into Central Supply by 3:30 pm Monday through Thursday and Friday by 11:30 am.  After these times the supply order will be delivered the next business day.  The Central Supply department will notify of any delivery changes due to unforeseen problems.

Receipt of Goods 

A departmental representative must sign for receipt of supplies at the time of delivery.  The order should be verified for accuracy upon delivery and discrepancies noted to the delivery personnel.  A signed delivery copy , without noting missing, incorrect, or damaged items, constitutes acceptance of a complete order.


In the event an order cannot be filled completely, those out-of-stock items will be placed on back order.  It is not necessary to reorder the item.  Your order will be filled as soon as the goods are received. 

Return Policy 

Call Materials Management, ext. 2301, in the event it is necessary to return goods.  Other than defective merchandise, items must be returned must be returned in its original packaging.  Items may be returned within 30 days after order except after inventory at year-end. 

New Stock Requests

Recommendations for new stock items are welcomed. 

Central Receiving

Materials Management receives or takes formal possession of goods from vendor representatives and/or common carriers and verifies goods against a Georgia Southwestern State University purchase order. 

Materials Management delivers received goods to appropriate departments or to a point of storage. A departmental representative must verify receipt and specifications of goods. 

Order discrepancies are negotiated by Purchasing and Materials Management. Please do not contact vendors with discrepancies without notifying Materials Management. 

Notify Materials management when any items ordered by purchase order are received by means other than through Materials Management. Vendor invoices must be paid within 30 days after date of invoice. Materials Management must sign off and verify receipt of goods before payment can be made.

Materials management is not authorized to accept responsibility for receipt of personal goods, nor will Materials Management negotiate with vendors or vendor carriers for damaged, missing, or order specification discrepancies with personal orders. Personal COD orders will be refused. 

Materials Management is authorized to open all packages addressed to Georgia Southwestern State University to identify and check contents against purchase orders. 

Express or overnight letters and packages are received at approximately 11:30 a.m. each day. Notify materials Management if an express delivery is expected; otherwise, delivery will be made after 1:00 p.m. after being processed by the Central Receiving staff. 

Shipping Procedures - Express Mail and Standard Freight

Express or overnight letters and packages are received at approximately 11:30 am each day.  Notify Materials Management if an express delivery is expected.  Otherwise, delivery will be made after 1:00 pm and after being processed by the Materials Management/Central Stores receiving staff.  Please note that Americus is not a metropolitan city;  therefore, early deliveries are not honored (such as 10:30 am and earlier delivery). 

UPS has been granted Statewide contract and is our mandatory vendor for shipping.  Other vendors may be used if the recipient is paying for the shipping cost by third party billing.  The services are for official university business only, and shipping expenses are charged to departmental budgets. For personal use, a United Parcel Service drop box is located at the GSW Library Loading Dock and at The UPS Store at 1602 B East Forsyth St.  A Federal Express drop box is located on the corner of Lamar Street and Cotton Avenue in downtown Americus.  

To Mail or Ship Items

The Material Management shipping form may be found online under business forms at  Please fill out the form completely with your department ID number and an authorized signature (required).  NOTE: International Shipments require itemization and declared value of contents. 

Deliver the completed shipping form and package or letter to the Materials Management Office located in the Physical Plant Building. Assistance will be provided in transporting large, heavy parcels only. Notification must be made before noon. 

Daily deadline for shipping: 

UPS 2:00 p.m. 


OTHER CARRIERS 10:00 a.m. 

Parcels received after shipping deadlines will be sent the next day, or small items will be delivered to the UPS drop box at the GSW library loading dock. 

Postal Services


Campus Postal Service is a combination on-campus post office and U.S. Postal Service contract substation. The Campus Postal Service must comply with all USPS rules and regulations. 

This service is provided by the University in order to more efficiently distribute incoming mail and to effect postage savings in outgoing mail. 


To distribute all mail received from the U.S. Postal Service and other approved delivery services to faculty and staff via an established delivery service. Only students living in GSW housing will receive a GSW mailbox.  Student mail shall be received and placed in assigned campus boxes. 

Faculty/staff outgoing mail and inter-departmental mail is picked up from specific mail deposit areas via an established pick-up service and is processed by the Postal Service staff. 

For the purpose of campus mailings, if a student has a GSW Postal Box, this will be the address used.

Source of Policy Governing Postal Service

The policies that govern the University Postal Service come from two sources: 

Georgia Southwestern State University Policy 

United States Postal Service Regulations 

Any new regulations issued by the U.S. Postal Service shall at all times override 

University policy if a conflict in policy results. 


Outgoing mail that is to run through the University postal meter, or in any other manner to be paid from University funds, is restricted to official University business. Student organizations are not allowed to use state funds for postage. 

Unauthorized individuals will not be permitted into the University mail room unless requested to do so by University Postal Service personnel for identification of parcels, other University mail related matters. 

All U.S. Postal Service regulations regarding the proper handling of U.S. mail will be followed by Georgia Southwestern State University Postal Service personnel. 

Unofficial announcements or announcements on non-University related events are not be distributed through the University Postal Service. 


Campus Mail Service

Mail is picked up from the Americus Post Office at approximately 10:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. Outgoing mail is picked up at the Campus Post Office at 5:15 p.m. by the Americus Post Office. 

Mail delivery to the Administration Building and Library, including U.S. mail and interdepartmental mail, will be made daily before 1:00 pm Monday-Thursday and 11:30 am on Friday. 

Mail pickup will be made at specific mail deposit areas each morning and afternoon. Mail needs to be delivered to Campus Post Office by 4:00 p.m. to be processed that day. Mail received after 4:00 p.m. may be processed the next work day. 

Student mail will be placed in each student's campus box on the day it is received from the Americus Post Office. 

Faculty and Staff Mail

Each department on Campus picks up the departmental mail, including faculty and staff mail, at either the Administration Building or the Campus Post Office. 

There will be no individual faculty/staff boxes in the Campus Post Office. 

Departmental Outgoing Mail

1. All outgoing mail from departments must be bundled with rubber bands.

Campus mail must be bundled separately from off-campus mail. 

All out of country mail must be separated from domestic mail.

Outgoing mail with stamp affixed, business reply mail, or prepaid postage must be bundled separately from other mail. 

Outgoing mailing envelope flaps on #10 business envelopes must be extended in order to properly seal. All other envelopes must be sealed properly prior to reaching the Campus Post Office. 

2. All official mail should be identified by department/office and 3-digit code number in the return address. Mail having no return address must be opened to determine department/office of origin and will be returned to the sending department/office. 

Bulk/Standard Mail

It is the responsibility of each department to use the most economical method of mailing. First Class mail is very expensive and does not insure faster or better handling. Planning ahead and the use of Standard Bulk Rates can significantly reduce our postage costs. Contact the Postal Services supervisor at the Campus Post Office for details. 

Any mailing of 200 or more pieces should be sent by Standard Bulk unless the mailing is classified as prestigious. Standard Bulk mail must conform to several requirements which are not difficult and can be explained by the Postal Services Supervisor. 

The mailing must be in zip code order when received at the Campus Post Office and cannot contain mail going out of the country. The Campus Post Office should be advised one day in advance if your office wants to take advantage of this savings. 

All on-campus student mass mailings must be submitted in order by GSW box number. 

Special Note: All printed material for general distribution to the public must be approved by University Relations prior to being printed (see Procurement Section of this manual) 

Mail Service Hours

Window hours (as posted) 

Operational hours (as posted) 

Physical Plant


The mission of the Physical Plant Department is stated as a goal of the Institutional Strategic Plan, and is reiterated below: 

The University will develop and maintain positive human relations; supportive student services, and appropriate physical facilities that will contribute to a simulating and challenging living and learning environment. 

It is our intention to achieve our mission in accordance with all University policies and procedures, with maximum effectiveness and efficiency and to maintain an environment that encourages each employee to contribute their "very best" at all times in the support of our mission. 

We look forward to assisting you with any problem or need that arises. Your comments and suggestions will also be welcome in order to help us improve our services to you. 

Basic Policy and Responsibility

The Physical Plant Department is responsible for the maintenance, repair, alternations, additions of existing facilities; grounds, streets, walks, and paved areas; the operation and maintenance of utilities systems, installed mechanical and electrical equipment; the collection of trash; and insect/rodent control; the maintenance and repair of all University vehicles, buildings and grounds equipment, custodial services, Environmental Health and Safety programs, and The Americans with Disabilities Act as it pertains to facilities and grounds. 

All connections made to utility systems (waste, sewer, gas, steam or electrical), either in or out of buildings, should be performed by Physical Plant Department personnel or qualified contractors under Physical Plant guidance. All utility systems are owned by the University. 

The Physical Plant Department must be advised and review drawings of any planned remodeling or construction of facilities as once the work is completed Physical Plant funds and man-hours will be used to maintain the facilities and to insure facilities are adequate. 

In all cases of construction and remodeling projects, As Built Drawings must be provided to Physical Plant for future repairs and maintenance. 

Services Available

Physical Plant Services

The services provided by Physical Plant are related to providing a safe, healthy, and pleasant environment. The services include: 

1. Maintenance and repair services for the interior and exterior of all buildings and installed equipment. 

2. Maintenance and repairs of walks, streets, and grounds. 

3. Custodial services 

4. Vehicular maintenance 

5. Repair of leaking roof 

6. Painting 

7. Maintenance of heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and utilities systems. 

8. Repair broken windows, doors and locks. 

9. Plumbing that is stopped up. 

10. Changing of incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes. 

11. Cutting of grass and planting of flowers. 

12. Signs made and installed in buildings. 

13. Hook-up of cable TV lines in Residence Halls. 

14. Setting of clocks for street lights and tennis court lights. 

15. Project design and cost estimating 

16. Environmental Health and Safety inspections 

17. Hazardous Material training 

18. Pest Control 

19. Right to Know training 

20. Disposal of Hazardous Material 

21. Set-ups for special events 

How To Obtain Services

Physical Plant services are obtained by written work request except for emergencies. Emergencies should be reported to Physical Plant, extension 2302. 

Work Requests

Work requests should be submitted to the Physical Plant Department. Budget head submits work request to Physical Plant. 

When submitting work requests please provide description of request, exact location (building and room number), and a contact person to direct questions. 

E-Mails - are the best way to send work requests to the department. ( You will receive an e-mail response notifying you that the request was received by the Physical Plant. If the Plant is out, the requests are received but the response may be delayed until the next day. 

FAX - work requests may be sent to the Physical Plant by dialing extension 931-2298 

Campus Mail - work requests may be sent to the Physical Plant by campus mail. Address mail to "Physical Plant". 

Phone - Emergency work requests may be phoned into the department, extension 2302. 

Once the work request is received, the Physical Plant department will assign a work request number. A shop will be assigned to perform the work. Periodically throughout the year, a report will be sent to various departments. The report will list description of work requests they have submitted and total cost of completing the work request. 

At anytime you wish to know the status of your work request call the Physical Plant Department. 

General Information

Bicycle Racks

Bicycle racks are located throughout the campus for the convenience of bicycle riders. Locking bicycles to the racks is encouraged. Parking, storage or bicycles inside of buildings, including porches and entrance or exit ways is prohibited. 

Bulletin Boards

The Physical Plant Department is responsible for the installation of all bulletin boards. 


Life safety and building codes must be adhered to in all work performed by the Physical Plant Department. If you have any questions concerning the various codes, please call the Physical Plant Department, extension 2302. 


Due to the health hazards such as fleas and allergic reactions only fish are permitted as pets in the Residence Halls. Pet fish may be maintained in aquariums no larger than ten gallons in volume. Only one ten gallon aquarium per resident is permitted. No other animals or reptiles are allowed. 

Under no circumstances are pets allowed in any building (Academic or Residence Hall) on campus except as noted above. 

Electrical/Mechanical Rooms

The life safety code prohibits the storage of material in electrical and mechanical rooms. These rooms are to be entered only by University maintenance personnel, contract maintenance personnel or State Inspectors. 

In-House Renovation Project

The Physical Plant Department has limited funds for normal maintenance and repair work. Occasionally funds are available for minor renovation projects. A work request or memorandum should be submitted to the Director of Physical Plant requesting the work with as many details as possible. Renovation projects in a building must be approved by the Department head and Facilities Representative. 


All elevators are maintained by an outside elevator contractor. If you have a problem with an elevator, contact the Physical Plant and they will secure the service from the appropriate contractor. All elevators are equipped with telephones that are connected to the Public Safety office and are to be used for emergency purposes only. 

Fire Extinguishers

The acquisition and maintenance of fire extinguishers, including hangers, are the responsibility of the Physical Plant. Placement, inspection, and servicing of all fire extinguishers are responsibilities of Physical Plant. All fire extinguishers are certified once a year. 

Insect and Rodent Control

Monthly campus visits are made by a pest control contractor. If additional services of the contractor are desired, please contact Physical Plant at 2302. Your request will be put on the list for the next time they are on campus. In case of an insect or rodent emergency, the Physical Plant can request on-call service. 

Maps and Building Plans

Campus maps and building plans are maintained in the Physical Plant office. These maps and plans may be reviewed in the Physical Plant office. If more than one print is available, they may be loaned out and signed for. 

Smoking in Buildings

In an effort to promote a healthy environment, smoking is prohibited in all buildings on the University campus. 


To prevent bodily injury and property damage, no personnel may go to the roof of any building or Residence Hall without prior authorization from the Physical Plant Department. The exception is the use of the cat-walk on the Roney Building for access to the observatory. 

No cameras, television antennas, or other equipment supported by tripods or stands may be placed on any roof without prior coordination with Physical Plant. 

Repairs, alterations and/or additions to roofs are the responsibility of the Physical Plant Department. 

Telephone Installation

Telephone Installation are responsibilities of Telecommunications. Inquires should be directed to the office of Vice President for Business and Finance at 928-1380. 

Traffic and Parking

Traffic and parking are responsibilities of Public Safety. Inquires should be directed to that office, extension 22485. 


The Physical Plant Department is responsible for the coordination of the following inspections and the correction of any deficiencies found during the inspection. 

1. Boiler 

2. Fire Marshall (life safety code) 

3. Property 

4. Natural gas lines 

5. Elevator 

6. Fire extinguishers 

Exhaust Hoods

Dining Hall exhaust hoods are cleaned semi-annually by a contractor. Snack bar exhaust fans are cleaned quarterly. The Dining Hall manager will be contacted by Physical Plant to set a time and day for each cleaning. 

Fume Hoods

Periodic inspections or fume hoods in science laboratories will be conducted to insure they meet current standards. 

Sprinkler Systems

Sprinkler systems in the Roney, Education Center, and Fine Arts buildings are inspected annually by a qualified contractor. 

Automated Energy Management System

Most of our major buildings are tied into a computer that enables the Physical Plant Department to control the heating and air conditioning systems. We are also able to schedule the operation of the mechanical systems. Therefore, it is very important that facilities requests and work requests be sent to the Physical Plant Department for evening, weekend, and special events so that we can insure that the proper temperature will be maintained for the event and the systems will operate only when buildings are occupied. 

Cable TV Hook-Ups

All Residence rooms are provided basic service as part of the Student Housing fee. The hook-up of HBO, Showtime, and any other special program will be contracted between the student and the local Cable TV Company. Physical Plant personnel will make the connection for the services after the Cable TV Company has certified that the student is a bonafide subscriber. 

Board of Regents Projects

Major Repair/Rehabilitation Projects

These projects are funded by the Board of Regents. The requests are developed yearly (about April 1st of each year) by Physical Plant and coordinated by the Vice President for Business and Finance. All costs for major non-recurring repairs and major maintenance projects will be included on the list sent to the Board of Regents. Final approval must be given by the President of the University. It is then sent to the Board of Regents for consideration as to funding of the project. 

Capital-Outlay Projects

These projects are funded by the Board of Regents. The requests are developed yearly (about April 1st of each year) by the President and his staff. It is then sent to the Board of Regents for consideration as to funding of the project. The Capital-Outlay Projects would include new buildings, the total renovation/remodeling of a building, land acquisition or other major development costs. Typically, the project cost will be in excess of $1,000,000. Capital-Outlay Projects are divided into groups minor capital projects up to $5,000,000 and major capital projects $5,000,000 and more. 

Services Provided for Board of Regents Projects

Detail documentation must be maintained on Board of Regents projects and the Physical Plant Department will provide the following service and maintain the files: 

1. Provide the general scope of work. 

2. Assist in the selection of the Architect/Engineer. 

3. Perform Resident Engineer Inspection duties (R.E.I.) 

4. Conduct pre-construction conferences. 

5. Coordinate with the Architect/Engineer on Change Orders, final inspections and Fire Marshall inspections. 

6. Verify and process Periodical Estimates. 

7. Review of plans and specification. 

In cases where funds are provided for projects, other than Board of Regents or Physical Plant, the Physical Plant Department will develop the bidding documents, drawings, selection of architect if required and coordination of the project. The Physical Plant Department must review all drawings and specifications to ensure they conform to the life safety code, The Americans with Disabilities Act, and all other requirements as set forth by the Board of Regents. The Department can provide limited design and cost estimate services. To receive these services, a letter should be sent to the Director describing the project and identify funding source. 


The Administration Section receives all work requests/complaints and coordinates responses and services with the appropriate shops within the Physical Plant Department. This section provides general administration support for all Physical Plant shops and sections. 


The management of the Physical Plant budget is the responsibility of the Director of Physical Plant. The budget is used to fund normal maintenance and repair work needed to maintain buildings and grounds, to ensure that they are safe, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. From time to time major items of equipment will fail and funds are requested from the Board of Regents to make these one time repairs. Physical Plant funds will not be expended without prior approval of the Director of Physical Plant. 

Work Request Control

The Administrative Section enters work requests into computer system, assigns a work order number, and assigns the shop for the work to be complete. Records are maintained on costs of repairs by buildings and shops. Further, provides the customer with a quarterly report showing completed work requests and associated cost. 

Facilities Inventory

The Administration Section maintains and updates the Facilities Inventory report as square footage, room numbers or room use changes. This is coordinated with the Room Utilization report. This section will also maintain an up to date record of buildings square footage to verify the Inventory of Building Square Footage report.

Purchase of Supplies and Material

The Administration Section types purchase request or purchase orders for supplies and repair parts needed by the department. When the cost of the items are under $2,500 the purchase order/requests are signed by the Director and then sent to the Purchasing office for processing. 

When items that are needed for supplies and material are in stock at Materials Management, Physical Plant personnel will sign out for needed items and provide a work request number next to the items received.

When small cost items are needed and not stocked in Materials Management, the VISA credit card may be issued to shop personnel for purchase of these items locally. 

Petty Cash may be obtained from time to time for small purchases. 

Key Records

The Administration Section is responsible for the making of keys and maintaining the records as to who has a particular key and to what area. Department heads and Facilities Representatives will be responsible for determining the authorization of keys for specific areas/space. The procedure for requesting keys is as follows: 

1. Send a written work request to Physical Plant signed by the department head/dean who has responsibility for the area the key will open and the Facilities Representative. 

2. The work request will be assigned to the Carpenter Shop and the key will be cut and coded with a number stamp. 

3. A key control card will be completed indicating the code number and the door/room the key will open. 

4. The key and key control card will be delivered or sent to the person requesting the key. The key control card must be signed by the person receiving the key. 

5. The key control card will be returned to Physical Plant. When a faculty or staff member of the University leaves or is transferred all keys issued to them must be returned to Physical Plant. 

Lost and found keys must be immediately reported to Public Safety and Physical Plant. 

Changing the combination of lock cores will be handled in the same manner as with the issuing of new keys. 

All Residence Hall keys are issued to the Student Housing Office who will issue and control. 

Replacement of keys and core changes must be on a written work order. 

Keys must not be loaned out and must be safeguarded at all times. 

Building & Equipment Maintenance

The Building and Equipment Section is responsible for providing general building and equipment maintenance and services to all buildings on campus. The sections are as follows: 

Maintenance Worker HVAC Shop 

Electrical Shop Paint Shop 

Plumbing Shop Carpenter Shop 

All building and equipment personnel and shops are under the supervision of the Director of Physical Plant, extension 2302. 

Maintenance Worker

is responsible for the hook-up of cable TV lines to individual Residence Hall rooms; the preventative maintenance of air compressors for pneumatic controls; the inspection of fire extinguishers; emergency and egress lights; the making of door numbers and name plates; assists other shops as needed and makes repairs as sent in on work request. 

Electrical Shop

is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all electrical systems in the buildings and outside; maintenance of street lights and both indoor and outdoor lighting; the changing of light bulbs, and ballast; the installation of new electrical lines, lights and panel boxes; the hook-up of newly purchased electrical equipment; the maintenance of transformers and makes repairs as sent in on work requests. 

Plumbing Shop

is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all commodes, urinals, drinking fountains, sewer and drain lines, tubs, irrigation piping, water lines and valves, faucets, shower fixtures; the operation and maintenance of swimming pool water treatment equipment and makes repairs as sent in on work requests. 

Heating and Ventilating and Air Conditioning Shop

is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all boilers, air conditioning systems, temperature control devices, air handling units, thru-the-wall units, unit ventilators, window air conditioner units, condensers, cooling towers, air vents, hot water heaters; maintenance and repair of pumps, and makes repairs received on work requests. 

Carpenter Shop

is responsible for all carpentry repairs such as doors, frames, drywall, wood paneling, ceiling repairs, small construction and remodeling projects; lock repair/core replacement, key cutting, door closures, broken windows, bulletin board fabrication/installation; repair and replacement of floor tile and stair tread, roof repairs, exit devices, and makes repairs sent in on work requests. 

Paint Shop

is responsible for painting of the interior and exterior of buildings, student rooms, the staining of items, and painting exterior handrails. Large painting projects will normally be contracted out for additional labor. The paint shop also can supply the paint for students to paint their own rooms. Students should contact Student Life for additional details and the colors that are available. Requests for painting individual classrooms and offices will be done by written work requests. 

Moving Crew

is responsible for the set-ups for special events; the relocation of furniture and office equipment; the moving items to storage or surplus property for all buildings on campus. This is a contracted service. 

The moving crew will move only University owned property. The use of the moving crew to move or transport personally owned property is prohibited. 

The total move of office furniture, equipment or the complete move of all items in a building or the movement of pianos will require additional manpower and must be scheduled at least one week in advance. Grand pianos will not be moved from building to building. 

All requests to reserve audio-visual equipment will be made to the Instructional Technology Center (ITC) by the using agency. A work request will be submitted to the Physical Plant Department by ITC one working day prior to the scheduled event requesting the movement of the reserved equipment. 

All requests for sound systems will be made to the Office of Student Life by the using agency utilizing a Facilities Scheduling Form. The using agency will ensure that all components of the system i.e., amplifier, speakers, cords and microphones are in one location and reserved to be moved. Any additional moves after normal working hours or on weekends must be coordinated by the using agencies. Microphones will be picked up by the user from the Office of Student Life. 

The moving of items should be scheduled Monday-Friday between 7:30 am 4:00 PM. Any moving requests for weekend, holidays and after normal working hours must be scheduled and the cost will be charged to the department requesting the move. If an emergency moving request is needed call extension 2302. 

Set-up for special events should be listed on Facilities Scheduling Forms sent through the Student Life Office. The movement of furniture and equipment should be listed on a work request or by memorandum. If furniture from one building needs to be moved to another for a set-up, then the user is responsible for making those arrangements with department head before the move can take place. 

When property with decals is moved the decal numbers will be given to the Director of Materials Management indicating where the property was moved from and where it is now located. 

Preventive Maintenance

Work is scheduled by the Physical Plant Department and includes: 

Roofs Mechanical/Electrical Systems 

Painting Window and door repairs 

Floor coverings Filter changing 

Light bulb/tube replacement General repairs to interior and exterior of 


Grounds Maintenance

Landscape and Grounds Services

Landscape and grounds services includes mowing of grass; edging of curbs and walkways; weeding shrub and annual beds; pruning of all shrubs and trees; leaf removal, blowing off of sidewalks, sweeping of streets; digging of trenches for utility lines, grading and filling areas as needed; over-seeding of turf areas; maintenance of athletic fields; maintenance of University lake; irrigation of turf and shrub areas and assisting the moving crew when needed. 

Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are provided for set-ups and special functions, from two greenhouses. This service can be obtained by submitting a work request or by indicating the need for plants on a Facilities Scheduling Form. However it is suggested that you call ahead for availability. This can be done by calling the Assistant Director for Landscape and Environmental Health and Safety (LEH&S) at extension 2309.

Debris Removal

The litter on campus is picked up each day including weekends. Special requests for removal of debris can be obtained by calling the Assistant Director (LEH&S) at extension 2309. 

The University provides two dumpsters from the City of Americus that are used by the Dining Hall for the disposal of trash from the kitchen. 


Additional services of this section are as follows: 

1 Marking and maintaining parking lots and streets. 

2. Furnishing, installing and maintaining bicycle racks. 

3. Furnishing and installing of directional and traffic signs. 

4. Locating underground utility lines. 

5. Coordinates with the Cable TV (CATV) Company, telephone company and other contractors on installing new underground lines. 

6. Maintains accurate drawing of telephone lines in the buildings and underground. 

7. Furnishing, installing and maintaining benches, trash receptacles and other outdoor amenities. 

Automotive Mechanic

All automotive services will be performed by the Physical Plant Department. These services include the preventive maintenance of University owned vehicles and equipment, tune ups on most vehicles, tire replacement and alignments, tire repair, installation of certain items in regards to vehicles and equipment, and makes repairs as sent in on work request. If the work to be performed can not be handled in the University shop, then arrangements will be made to send the unit to a garage for the needed/requested repairs. Automotive shop will also provide metal working needs such as welding, brazing, and cutting when requested. 

Environmental Health & Safety Services

Environmental Health and Safety Services will provide Right To Know Training; Hazardous Material Training; Fire Safety Training; and other safety training needs as requested. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) will be maintained and a copy will be provided withing five (5) working days upon written request unless it is an emergency. Training records will be maintained in the Physical Plant Department/Environmental Health and Safety Office. This section will coordinate the Pest Control information as pest control is applied to the various buildings on campus. 

Natural gas lines on campus will be maintained and inspected with coordination by the Georgia Public Service Commission/Gas Pipeline Safety Section and independent contractors. Fume hoods in the Science Building and the Roney Building will be inspected and certified on an annual basis by an independent contractor with coordination by the section. 

This section of Physical Plant will take care of concerns as they relate to the Americans With Disabilities Act (Facilities and Grounds). 

The Environmental Health and Safety section is responsible for holding fire drills throughout the entire campus on a quarterly basis. 

In case of a chemical spill, or other type of emergency of this nature, the Public Safety Office should be called first at 931-2245, available 24 hours per day. The Assistant Director of Physical Plant should be called at 931-2309 or the Director of Physical Plant at 931-2302. Physical Plant will work with Public Safety and other emergency personnel as needed. 

In case of natural disasters, Physical Plant will work with other emergency personnel to assist with providing whatever services that can be provided to reduce loss. 


The custodial services for Georgia Southwestern State University is contracted with ABM/Diversco. The on-site manager is responsible for cleaning operations on campus, which include, floor maintenance; window washing; trash removal from buildings, offices and the removal of trash from outside containers; cleaning of restrooms, showers, light fixtures; shampooing and vacuuming of carpet. The Gym floors are refinished annually. 

The custodial section is divided into a day and night shift: 

Day Shift

is responsible for the cleaning of the Residence Halls which includes bathrooms and all common areas daily. They are responsible for cleaning the rooms during the summer break when the Residence Halls are closed or when a room becomes vacant. They wash the windows once a year during the summer months. They pull the trash from the Residence Halls on a daily basis and on Saturday mornings. 

They are also responsible for cleaning the Library daily and monitoring the bathrooms in all buildings daily and for cleaning the Student Center daily. They strip and refinish the floor in the Residence Halls once a year during the summer break. 

Night Shift

is responsible for cleaning all academic and administration type buildings and the Gyms daily which includes vacuuming carpet; dusting desk; sweeping and mopping floor; pulling trash from offices and classrooms; cleaning bathrooms; cleaning the glass on doors daily; cleaning black boards; shampooing carpet on an as needed basis; stripping and refinishing hard floors at least once a year, or sooner if needed; washing windows once a year. 

The custodial service also collects newspapers and cardboard and places these items in recycling containers. 

Requests for services may be obtained by a written work request or by calling (229)931-2302. 

Call Back/Emergency Service Procedure

The Physical Plant Department provides 24 hours, 7 days a week emergency service. The normal working hours of shop personnel are 7:30 am until 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday. The Physical Plant office is open from 7:30 am until 5:00 PM. These hours may vary when summer hours are in effect. 

If an emergency exists after normal working hours the following procedure should be used: 

1. Notify the Public Safety Department of what the emergency maintenance problem is and where. Public Safety can be reached at extension 2245 or 931-2244 if after 5:00 PM. 

2. Public Safety will call the Director of Physical Plant or his/her designated representative informing them of the emergency maintenance problem. 

3. The Director will call the appropriate Physical Plant personnel to respond to the emergency. 

4. Employees who are called back to work are guaranteed a minimum of two (3) hours pay for the travel and disruption of personal hours. If the emergency requires more than two hours to complete, employees will be compensated for any additional time worked at the rate of time and one-half. 

5. In all cases when a electrical outage occurs on campus the Director or his/her representative must be notified. Installed electrical equipment may be damaged if the primary service is not reset properly or if there is a prolonged outage. 

6. Only Physical Plant employees are authorized to open transformer cabinets. 

Postal Services

Campus Postal Service is a combination on-campus post office and U.S. Postal Service contract substation. The Campus Postal Service must comply with all UPS rules and regulations. 

This service is provided by the University in order to more efficiently distribute incoming mail and to effect postage savings in outgoing mail. 


To distribute all mail received from the U.S. Postal Service and other approved delivery services to faculty and staff via an established delivery service. Student mail shall be received and placed in assigned campus boxes. 

Faculty/staff outgoing mail and inter-departmental mail is picked up from specific mail deposit areas via an established pick-up service and is processed by the Postal Service staff. 

Assignment of campus boxes for individual students will be coordinated with the 

Accounting Office (to be implemented during the registration process). 

Source of Policy Governing Postal Service

The policies that govern the University Postal Service come from two sources: 

Georgia Southwestern State University Policy 

United States Postal Service Regulations 

Any new regulations issued by the U.S. Postal Service shall at all times override 

University policy if a conflict in policy results. 


The use of Georgia Southwestern Service is restricted to Georgia Southwestern State University and currently enrolled students. 

Outgoing mail that is to run through the University postal meter, or in any other manner to be paid from University funds, is restricted to official University business. Student organizations are not allowed to use state funds for postage. 

Unauthorized individuals will mot be permitted into the University mail room unless requested to do so by University Postal Service personnel for identification of parcels, other University mail related matters. 

All U.S. Postal Service regulations regarding the proper handling of U.S. mail will be followed by Georgia Southwestern State University Postal Service personnel. 

Unofficial announcements or announcements on non-University related events are not be distributed through the University Postal Service. 


Campus Mail Service

Mail is picked up from the Americus Post Office at approximately 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. Outgoing mail is picked up at the Campus Post Office at 4:45 p.m. by the Americus Post Office. 

Mail delivery to the Administration Building and Library, including U.S. mail and interdepartmental mail, will be made daily before noon. 

Mail pickup will be made at specific mail deposit areas each morning and afternoon. Mail needs to be delivered to Campus Post Office by 3:30 p.m. to be processed that day. Mail received after 4:30 p.m. may be processed the next work day. 

Student mail will be placed in each student's campus box on the day it is received from the Americus Post Office. 

Faculty and Staff Mail

Each department on Campus will choose to pick up the departmental mail, including faculty and staff mail, at either the Administration Building or the Campus Post Office. 

There will be no individual faculty/staff boxes in the Campus Post Office. 

Departmental Outgoing Mail

1. All outgoing mail from departments must be bundled with rubber bands. 

Mail for "Americus" must be bundled separately from "out-of-town" mail. 

Campus mail must be bundled separately from off-campus mail. 

Personal mail with stamp affixed must be bundled separately from other mail. 

Envelope flaps on #10 business envelopes must be extended in order to properly seal. All other envelopes must be sealed properly prior to reaching the Campus Post Office. 

2. All official mail should be identified by department/office and 3-digit code number in the return address. Mail having no return address must be opened to determine department/office of origin and will be returned to the sending department/office. 

Bulk/Mass Mail

It is the responsibility of each department to use the most economical method of mailing. Firs Class mail is very expensive and does not insure faster or better handling. Planning ahead and the use of Standard Bulk Rates can significantly reduce our postage costs. Contact the Postal Services supervisor at the Campus Post Office for details. 

Any mailing of 200 or more pieces should be sent by Standard Bulk unless the mailing is classified as prestigious. Standard Bulk mail must conform to several requirements which are not difficult and ban be explained by the Postal Services Supervisor. 

Any mailing of 500 or more pieces can be mailed at the Pre-sort First Class Rate. The mailing must be in zip code order when received at the Campus Post Office and cannot contain mail going out of the country. The Campus Post Office should be advised one day in advance if your office wants to take advantage of this savings. 

All on-campus student mass mailings must be submitted in order by GSW box number and bundled with rubber bands. 

Special Note: All printed material for general distribution to the public must be approved by University Relations prior to being printed (see Procurement Section of this manual) 

Mail Service Hours

Window hours (as posted) 

Operational hours (as posted) 



Purchasing at Georgia Southwestern State University is a function of Procurement. Contracting of supplies, equipment, designated services, Labor and Professional Services Contracts has been delegated to the Director of Procurement by the Vice President for Business and Finance of the University, the Board of Regents, and Department of Administrative Services (DOAS).


The purpose of this publication is to establish an understanding for all personnel of the University who may have responsibilities for procurement of equipment, materials, supplies, and services for the proper conduct of the department or office for which they are responsible.

The various policies relating to Purchasing, that have been adopted by the University administration come from three sources, and are based upon numerous laws that have been passed by the General Assembly.

The three sources for development of policy are:

Department of Administrative Services

As the Central Purchasing Agency of the State, Department of Administrative Services (DOAS), publishes and distributes to all State agencies, all rules and regulations to control State purchasing.

Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia

As a unit of the University System of Georgia, the University must comply with any policy or procedure developed by the Regents Office. 

Georgia Southwestern State University

The University administration may develop policy that is unique to the University, and not required by the State, if such policy is determined to be in the best interest of the University, and is not contrary to law or other policy.

Sources of Policies

State laws 

DOAS Rules & Regulations promulgated to enforce State laws 

The policies of the Board of Regents 

Findings of the State Audit Department 

Policies developed by Georgia Southwestern State University 


Purchasing is responsible for the organization and administration of all procurement services of the University. In providing these services in accordance with sound business practices, Purchasing seeks the maximum value for every dollar expended.

Purchasing is responsible for conducting all purchasing transactions in accordance with State Purchasing Laws as specified in the Georgia Procurement Manual.

Although the purchasing process should be a joint effort among the using department, Purchasing Department, and supplier, the Purchasing Department must have the final authority to conduct and conclude negotiations concerning prices and conditions of sale. Institutional commitments shall be made by the Purchasing Department in accordance with requisition/ordering procedure.

It is the policy of the University that Purchasing shall be responsible for the procurement by purchase, lease or rental, of all materials, services, supplies and equipment required by the various departments of the University. This policy applies to all funds of the University, regardless of source, when deposited with the University and must be handled in accordance with University policy and State law.

This centralization of the purchasing activities benefits the University in the following ways:

  • Assures compliance with laws, rules, policies, and audit recommendations
  • Better planning of the total purchase requirements of the University
  • Development of standard specifications for the common commodities purchased, resulting in more uniform quality and less variety of materials, supplies and equipment
  • Reduction of administrative costs for purchasing by precluding the necessity for multiple purchasing staffs, records, and procedures.
  • More consistent acceptance of cash discounts by prompt handling of supplier's invoices
  • Better budgetary and financial control of departmental expenditures
  • Promotes development and use of qualified personnel through specialization in the purchasing function
  • Permits the establishment of uniform policies with respect to supplier/supplier relationships
  • Aids in obtaining and communicating uniform interpretations of policies and procedures established by State agencies.
  • Assures equal access to purchases by small and minority suppliers.


Procurement has established specific objectives directed toward the improvement of the University's business position. These objectives are:

  • To develop and maintain a good working relationship with all campus departments through an understanding of their purpose and objectives. 
  • To serve the campus community cheerfully and willingly and to be of assistance at all times. 
  • To maintain good business relationships with all suppliers for the good of the University. 
  • To cooperate with all department in effecting standardization objectives. 
  • To maintain, with the assistance of all departments, optimum inventories consistent with cost and service objectives. 
  • To obtain assistance from suppliers in the application of improved materials and techniques. 
  • To procure all material, equipment, supplies and designated services in proper quantities with delivery at such places and times as are required by the departments in the best interest of the University. 
  • To promote and maintain the good name of the University, conducting its affairs in an ethical, friendly, professional, and legal manner. 
  • To fulfill all contractual obligations to the meaning and intentions of the contract. 
  • To avoid all actual and potential conflicts of interest. 
  • To avoid all appearances of special treatment toward any supplier or product. 

Responsibility for Approval of Purchases

The University budget establishes funds to be used for certain purposes under the authority of the designated budgetary head. These funds must be used within the prescribed budgetary limits. The budget head has the primary responsibility for approval of all requisitions to be charged against department ID’s under his/her administration. Only the Vice President for Business and Finance and the Director of Purchasing have the authority to commit University funds and only their signatures are authorized to appear on contractual documents.

Purchases of $4,999.99 or greater must have the approval of the senior administrative officer. Purchases of $5,000 or greater must have the additional approval of the Vice President for Business and Finance. Purchases $5,000 and greater will be processed by Purchasing. Purchases $25,000 and greater require bidding unless they are purchased from State Contracts. All approvals must be obtained prior to being forwarded to Purchasing for processing.

Supplier Relations

The following guide to relationships of Purchasing with suppliers and suppliers doing business with the University is followed as closely as possible by Purchasing: 

To consider, first, the interest of the University in all transactions, including consideration to the objectives and policies of the University. 

To strive to obtain the maximum value of each dollar of expenditure. 

To accord a prompt and courteous reception, so far as conditions will permit, to all who call on legitimate business missions. 

To grant all competitive bidders equal consideration; to regard each transaction on its own merits; to foster and promote fair, ethical and legal trade practices. 

To demand honesty in sales representation whether offered through the medium of an oral or written statement, and advertisement, or a sample of the product. 

To show consideration for the supplier's situation, and cooperate with him whenever possible. 

To answer all supplier inquiries promptly. 

The Purchasing Process

Upon receipt of the purchase request by Purchasing, it is processed according to the following:

  1. Mandatory Statewide Contracts
  2. Existing State Entity  Contracts (if available)
  3. GEPS / GA Correctional Industries (GCI)
  4. Convenience Statewide Contracts / Open Market Purchases

Competitive Procurement

Requisitions submitted must contain adequate specifications, validated budget, approval, and all other information pertinent to the procurement. 

*Note: Splitting known needs into several requests (DPR's) in order to avoid the bidding process is against State and University Purchasing policy. If several requests are received for similar commodities, they will be combined and treated accordingly. 

Minimum Bid Policy Chart

Under $25,000.00

No Bidding Required

$25,000 - $99,999.99

3 business days

$100,000 - $249,999.99

5 calendar days

$250,000 and above

15 calendar days

Note: Splitting known needs into several purchase requests in order to avoid the bidding process is against State and University policy. If several requests are received for similar commodities, they will be combined and treated accordingly.

eSource Solicitation

A web-based software application for posting Request for Quotation (RFQ), Request for Information (RFI), Request for Qualified Contractors (RFQC) events within the GPR. All solicitations are submitted electronically.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

The RFP is a formal solicitation. The RFP solicits sealed price proposals from prospective suppliers and seeks to obtain the “best value” for the University. This method does not use the cost of the project as the single determining factor, but, rather, uses a combination of lowest cost plus best proposed solution to determine the award.

Sole Source

Before making a determination of Sole Source, research must be conducted to determine if other products or service providers exist and can satisfy procurements. All Sole Source purchases $25,000.00 and over must be posted to the Georgia Procurement Registry for a minimum of ten (10) business days.

In a Sole Source situation, a Sole Source Justification Form must be completed and attached to the PO. A letter from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) justifying the Sole Source will be needed. The letter must include:

  • Scope of Work
  • Exclusive Capability

Sole Brand

Before making a determination of Sole Brand, research must be conducted to determine if other products exist which can also satisfy procurement requirements in a timely manner. An approved Sole Brand request allows for the insertion of “No Substitute” after the commodity is specified by brand name, model number, or some other designation identifying a specific product of a manufacturer.

In a Sole Brand situation, a Sole Brand Justification Form must be completed and attached to the PO. A request for “Sole Brand” does not automatically eliminate the bidding requirements, as the item may be available from more than one supplier.

The following must be included:

  • Scope of Work
  • Sole Brand Justification

Purchasing Card (P-Card)

The Purchasing Card is intended to streamline the payment procedures and reduce the administrative burden associated with small dollar value purchases. The P-Card may be used to procure items from statewide, state agency, agency contracts and open market purchases.

Departments throughout the campus utilize the Purchasing Card. The P-Card is used to make small dollar purchases via phone, fax/mail orders, internet or over the counter purchases (locally). Most single transactions are not to exceed $1,000 but individual limits are determined for each user. Merchant codes are built into the P-Card program for monitoring purchases.

Each individual is responsible for their own P-Card; maintaining a file of monthly receipts and reconciling to the new balance due each month using the Purchasing Card Summary Sheet. A P-Card manual is provided to each person who holds a P-Card.

Reconciliation is also being done within a web-based program called Works Payment Manager. End-users are currently using Summary Sheets and Works Payment Manager.

Emergency Purchases

Emergency circumstances exist where normal purchasing procedures cannot be utilized without extremely detrimental efforts upon the operation of the University’s business. A purchase order or P Card purchase will be processed as appropriate practice. The purchase order should provide documentation as to the circumstances surrounding the emergency and should clearly state “emergency purchase” on the face of the PO. The following definition shall apply for the purpose of determining whether an emergency exists:

  • Academic, research, or technical personnel are idle or unable to perform any significant activity due to equipment failure. 
  • Any situation, involving materials, equipment or services that may seriously endanger the health, welfare, or safety of any individual(s). 

In addition to the written requisition, a written justification detailing the circumstances of the emergency must be forwarded to Purchasing.

The use of emergency purchases shall be carefully considered on a case by case basis. It should be remembered that the use of emergency purchases is not a back-up system for inadequate advance planning.

Purchase Request

This document is used for requisitioning the expenditures for all supplies, materials, equipment, services and contracts required for the operation of all areas of the University. Purchase Requests be filled out on-line and printed for submittal to the Purchasing Office. This form is located on the Business Forms page. Questions regarding how to complete a Purchase Request should be directed to the Purchasing Office.

Purchase Order

Upon completion of the purchasing process, this document is used at the University level to cover supplies, materials, and equipment orders. 

Special Approvals

Several types of purchases require special handling and approvals prior to the submission of a purchase requisition to Procurement. These include the following: 

Purchase of Printed Materials

All letterhead, envelopes and business cards are to be processed on a purchase request. These items are not to be purchased on a purchasing card.

Requests for printed materials to be distributed to the public and have any reference to Georgia Southwestern State University, require the approval of University Relations.

Motor Vehicle Requests

Motor vehicle purchases require special approval by OPB and DOAS Office of Fleet Management. For further information concerning this procedure, contact Procurement.

Purchase of Technology Items

All purchase requests containing technology items such as computer hardware and software, multimedia equipment and purchases such as digital cameras, VCR’s DVD players, camcorders, recording hardware, televisions, sound systems, AV equipment and other similar items, must have an approval attached. The approval must come from IIT.

These items must be purchased with a Purchase Request and attached approval; personal reimbursement, petty cash, disbursement authorization (direct invoicing), and other methods for purchasing are not allowed without prior approval from Vice President for Business and Finance.

Peripheral items under $100 and as long as the item is not specifically excluded, i.e. software, printers, etc., may be purchased on a Purchasing Card or Departmental Purchase Request with prior IT approval.

Any exceptions to the above policy must have prior approval from the Chief Information Officer.

Professional Services Contract

When an individual or company's services are required on a one time basis, a professional services contract must be processed. 

Examples of uses requiring a professional services contract are:

  • Architects 
  • Brochure/Pamphlet Design Services 
  • Interior Designers 
  • Consultants - any area 

The decision to solicit competitive proposals, quotations or estimates must be based on the type service and the availability of service from more than one source. The department needing such services will consult with Procurement to determine the approach which is best.

All Service Contracts must have:

  • A defined scope of work (SOW) 
  • Specific Cost 
  • Delivery specifications 
  • Penalty or cancellation clause 
  • Time Limitations defined 

No significant material may be included, only advice or design services. 

The University has a delegated authority from the Board of Regents/Facilities Office for Professional Contracts ($25,000) for Architectural/Engineering/other related services. Construction contracts under $300,000. These types of contracts are handled through Physical Plant.

See the Physical Plant Section of this manual for more details on the Board of Regents Contract.

Quality, Service and Price

Under the competitive bid system of Purchasing, all contracts or open market purchases shall in all cases be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The lowest bidder is deemed to be that bidder who submits a responsive bid which meets the specifications set out in the invitation to bid and which is most advantageous to the University, taking into account quality, performance and capacity to perform by the bidder; price of merchandise offered; transportation charges; and date of delivery. The lowest responsible bidder will not always be the bidder who has submitted the lowest monetary bid.

Sales and Excise Tax

Georgia Southwestern State University is exempt from payment of Georgia Sales and Use Tax and Federal Excise Taxes, when payment for goods and services is made from public funds. The sales tax exempt form is available on-line on the Business Forms page.

The following guidelines are for information only, and are subject to Federal Internal Revenue Department interpretation.

State Taxes from which the State is Exempt

  • State Sales and Use Tax 
  • MARTA Tax 
  • Local Option Sales Tax 
  • Special Purpose Tax 
  • Hotel/Motel Excise Tax (with use of Exemption Form. This form is available on-line on the Business Forms page) 

State Taxes from which the State is not Exempt

  • State Motor Fuel Tax 
  • State Scrap Tire Fee (New Tires Only) 
  • 2nd State Motor Fuel Tax 
  • GUST (Georgia Underground Storage Tank Act (except when bill is paid directly by Institution) 

Federal Taxes from which the State is Exempt

  • Communications Tax 
  • Special Motor Fuel Tax (Telephone & Telegraph) 
  • Firearms and Ammunition Tax 
  • Heavy Trucks, Trailers, and Tractor Tax 
  • Sport Fishing Equipment Tax 
  • Tire Excise Tax 
  • Non-Commercial Aviation 
  • Gasoline and Gasohol Tax Fuels (Including LUST Tax) 
  • Gasoline - Fuels other than gasoline 
  • Diesel Fuel Tax including jet fuel (Airports and Airway Trust Fund Tax) 

Federal Taxes from which the State is not Exempt

  • Transportation of Persons by Air Tax 
  • Certain Ozone Depleting Chemicals Tax 
  • Transportation of Property by Air Tax 
  • Tax on Coal 
  • Non-Commercial Aviation Fuel Tax 
  • Tax on Vaccines 
  • Gas Guzzler 
  • Superfund Taxes on Petroleum Products 

Taxes of Other States

Generally, the University is not liable to pay state sales taxes of other states if the transaction is consummated in the State of Georgia. However, the University is liable to pay taxes of other states if the title passes in that state.

Agency Funds

Agency funds are not exempt from the payment of State and Federal Taxes 

Hotel/Motel Tax

University employees performing official travel are exempt from taxes charged for hotel and motel rooms. Exemption Forms are available online on the Business Forms Page. It is not uncommon, however, for hotels and motels not to accept the Exemption Form. If an employee is required by the hotel or motel to pay a room tax, the employee will be reimbursed for the amount of tax paid along with other official travel expenses.

If any specific information on tax responsibility is required, it may be obtained by calling Procurement.

Purchases for Personal Use

State statutes declare it to be unlawful for any employee or official of the University to purchase, directly or indirectly, through Procurement, or through any agency, material, equipment or supplies or other things of value for the personal or individual ownership of himself or other persons. Any violation of the requirements or participation in the unlawful practice or practices outlined, by employees of the University.


With the exception of subscriptions and dues, it is State and University Policy that materials, equipment and services not be paid for in advance. If, however, freight and/or handling charges can be saved, or discounts can be taken, prepayments will be made if it is in the best interest of the University.

Sam's Wholesale

The University has a Sam's Direct Card. Purchases made on this card will be handled by a P-Card or through expenses.

Conflict of Interest

State statutes forbid any employee of the University to have a financial or personal interest, directly or indirectly, in the purchase or sale of any material, equipment or supplies or in any firm, corporation, partnership or association furnishing any such material, equipment or supplies to the Georgia State Government or any of its departments, institutions or agencies. Any violation of the requirements or participation in the unlawful practice or practices outlined, by employees of the University shall be deemed a felony and shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than three years.

Gifts and Gratuities

State statutes declare it to be unlawful for any employee to accept any rebate, gift, money or anything of value or any promise, obligation or contract for future reward or compensation from any person or firm to whom a purchase or contract may be awarded. Any violation of the requirements or participation in the unlawful practice or practices outlines, by employees, shall be deemed a felony and shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than three years.

Equipment Requiring Electrical or Other Utility Connections

Prior to the writing of specifications for electrical or mechanical equipment, or any equipment requiring the connection of other utilities such as natural gas, water, oxygen, or other industrial gases, availability of such utilities must be verified by Physical Plant.

Physical Plant cannot install or allow to be installed any equipment that has requirements for electrical service, plumbing, heating/cooling, ventilation, or other service without first verifying that adequate power or connections exist within a building, or that power or other required connections can be made available.

Physical Plant should be made aware of plans to purchase any equipment or fixture, where the physical size or weight of the item may require structural modifications to doorways, floor or ceiling supports, or other architectural structure.

Maintenance and Service Agreements

Procurement shall keep current files on all maintenance and service agreements pertaining to office and mechanical equipment that is owned or leased by the University.

Procurement shall notify all departments that have equipment covered under maintenance or service contracts of a forthcoming expiration in a time frame that will allow departments to request renewal or cancellation of new agreements.

It shall be the responsibility of any department that acquires new equipment during any fiscal year, to request the initial maintenance or service agreement for such equipment at the time the manufacturer’s warranty expires. If there is any question as to the length of the manufacturer’s warranty for any given piece of equipment, Purchasing will assist in ascertaining the date of expiration.

Maintenance of Computing Hardware

OIIT is responsible for and should be notified of computing hardware and all micro-computer equipment problems. OIIT is responsible for assisting you in diagnosing and solving the problem. This policy is intended to provide one common contact for maintenance and repair of computing equipment.

Any outside repair costs incurred will be charged to the appropriate budget after estimates are received and permission to proceed is obtained from the budget chair.

Prompt Payment of Invoices

By Executive Order issued by the Governor's Office on May 7, 1985, all State Agencies are to pay invoices within thirty (30) days.

When the normal process is followed, this Executive Order presents no problems. However, occasionally invoices are not mailed directly to Purchasing or Accounting Services as requested on the purchase order (PO) and end up with the end-user. If for any reason, an invoice is mailed or sent to your department, you must forward immediately to Accounting Services so the purchase order (PO) can be validated and the invoice processed for payment.

Public Safety


The Department of Public Safety exists to maintain a safe environment on the campus. The Department carries out this purpose by the enforcement of applicable State criminal laws, State and local traffic laws, and patrol of University grounds.

The Department of Public Safety is also responsible for vehicle registration and parking enforcement.

Public Safety is responsible for maintaining the security of all university buildings.

Public Safety is available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year for reporting of problems of various natures.

Building Security

Opening and Closing Buildings

Public Safety opens and secures all of the university's buildings on a daily basis. Public Safety should also be contacted if assistance is needed to gain access or securing of a building after normal working hours.

Written authorizations should be given to individuals that need access to offices, labs, and classrooms after hours by the respective faculty or staff member.

Law Enforcement on Campus

Reporting of Crimes on Campus

 All incidents of a criminal nature should be reported to Public Safety immediately. This includes all thefts, property damage, and offenses against a person. Events of a suspicious nature should also be reported to Public Safety.

Reporting of Vehicle Accidents

All vehicle accidents that occur on GSW campus should be reported to Public Safety. This includes accidents in all GSW parking lots.

Other Services Provided

Phone Contact After Normal University Business Hours

Public Safety has personnel present on campus 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. An on-campus extension (ext. 2245), as well as a separate local number (229-931-2245), are available for after-hours contact.

Reporting of Emergency Maintenance Problems

Public Safety should be contacted if an employee locates an emergency maintenance problem after normal university business hours.

Assistance with Vehicles

Public Safety personnel can provide limited assistance if a student or employee experiences a problem with their vehicle.

Passenger-Carrying Vehicles

Georgia Southwestern State University has available on a rental basis, passenger-carrying vehicles. You may call Public Safety at extension 2245 for current rates and/or further information.

The department renting a vehicle is responsible for obtaining a qualified driver.

Authorized Use of State Vehicles

Employees for use in the performance of essential travel duties related to the completion of state business.

Recognized student organizations approved by a designated official of the Office of Student Life.

Programs or tours through Continuing Education which are accompanied by the Program Coordinator or a member of the faculty. Prior approval is required by the Director or Acting Director and costs incurred will be charged to the Continuing Education budget.

Other college and university groups with approval by the Vice President for Business and Finance.

Unauthorized Use of State Vehicles

Use for personal purposes.

Travel or tasks which are beyond the vehicles’ rated capability.

Transport of families, friends, associates or other persons who are not employees of the state or serving the interest of the state.

Use by private organizations.

Organizations restricted as to membership and/or activities which do not qualify for use of state vehicles.

Authorized Vehicle Drivers

All drivers must present the Department of Public Safety with a hard copy of their Georgia Driver’s License and complete a Driver's History form at least ten (10) working days before being approved as a GSW Vehicle Driver.

Public Safety Director or his designee shall review all driver's history and determine their eligibility to operate a GSW owned vehicle.

Public Safety will be responsible for issuing campus vehicle driving permits.

Georgia Southwestern State University vehicles may be operated only by individuals who are on the Georgia Southwestern State University payroll, have a valid Georgia Driver’s License, and who are authorized by a division/department chairperson, director, or supervisor.

A valid class “C” Georgia Driver’s License is required for driving vehicles designated to transport 15 or more passengers including the driver. Drivers with a class “D” (provisional permit) are not eligible to obtain a GSW Driver’s Permit.

A photocopy of the Driver’s License MUST be on file with Public Safety. 

Scheduling Vehicles

Reservations for the use of a GSW vehicle must be made by submitting a completed Vehicle Request and Trip Form to Public Safety. Forms can be obtained by contacting Public Safety at extension 2245.

Reservations are confirmed upon receipt of the completed Vehicle Request and Trip Form by Public Safety on a "first come, first serve" basis. Telephone requests cannot be honored.

Requests must be made by the user no later than NOON on THURSDAY of the week preceding the planned trip. This lead period is required to allow sufficient time for Physical Plant to service the vehicles.

The number of vehicles available is limited. Public Safety must be notified immediately should a scheduled trip be cancelled. A minimum trip charge will be assessed when Public Safety is not notified of a cancellation prior to the date of departure.

Picking Up Vehicles

Passenger carrying vehicles are dispatched from Public Safety. Vehicle keys, petroleum credit card, and trip mileage record forms will be issued to the authorized driver by Public Safety. During normal working hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, please see the department’s Administrative Assistant in order to obtain these items.

Vehicles required for trips with departure times that do not fall within normal working hours, should call Public Safety at (229) 931-2245 or ext. 2245 in order to obtain the necessary items from the on-duty officers.

The vehicle will be located in the parking lot directly behind the Public Safety Building.

The authorized driver of a campus vehicle must present Public Safety with a valid/approved GSW driver’s permit.

Returning Vehicles

The operator will return the vehicle to the parking lot located behind the Public Safety Building. During normal working hours (8:00 AM to 5:00PM), the operator will return the vehicle keys, credit card and COMPLETED mileage record to the Public Safety Administrative Assistant office immediately upon completion of the trip.

When the trip is completed after normal working hours, the operator will contact the Public Safety staff on duty (229-931-2245) in order to return the vehicle keys, credit cards, and COMPLETED mileage record forms.

The vehicle interior must be cleaned of all loose debris by the operator upon completion of the trip or a charge will be assessed for cleaning the vehicle.

The vehicle MUST be refuelled before returning it to Public Safety.

Vehicles must be promptly turned in at the completion of the trip. Vehicles, vehicle keys, credit cards, and/or COMPLETED mileage record forms not turned in on the day of the trip completion will assess an additional minimum usage fee per day thereafter.

Responsibilities of Vehicle Operators

Operate vehicles in compliance with applicable motor vehicle laws and in a manner that will not bring discredit upon the university.

Use vehicles in the conduct of official university business only.

Shall not consume intoxicating beverages or any other drug or substance that may impair one's reaction or judgment either before or while operating the vehicle.

Note, in writing, any mechanical defects of the vehicle on the mileage record form which will be turned into Public Safety.

In the event of an accident, follow the established accident procedure outlined in the section on accidents.


Assist the injured

Notify immediately:

            a. Local Police, Sheriff, or State Patrol, depending upon jurisdiction.           

            b. GSW Public Safety: (229) 931-2245 – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

            c. Your supervisor.

            d. State insurance carrier: 1-877-656-7475

NOTE: Each GSW vehicle has a Georgia Liability Insurance Identification Card in the glove compartment. Please see the back of the identification card for further instructions on what to do in case of an accident. 

Fuel/Emergency Repairs

Lubrication, oil, oil changes, washing, towing, tire repairs and minor mechanical repairs/supplies may only be purchased from an ARI approved facility. Fuel may be purchased only at facilities that are ARI approved. ARI approved facilities can be found by calling 1-800-227-2273. These services are then paid for using the State of Georgia credit card issued to that vehicle. ALL RECEIPTS MUST BE TURNED IN UPON COMPLETION OF THE TRIP TO PUBLIC SAFETY.

If serious mechanical trouble occurs, the vehicle should be taken to an ARI approved repair facility. Call 1-800-227-2273 to locate the nearest ARI approved facility. Each GSW vehicle should have a “Procedure for Drivers of Broken Down State Vehicle” flowchart in the glove compartment. This chart will direct the driver in the steps to follow in the event the vehicle breaks down. If the driver needs further assistance, call GSW Public Safety at (229) 931-2245 for instructions.

Traffic and Parking Violations

Operators are personally responsible for all traffic and parking violations incurred while a vehicle is in their custody. The university will not assume responsibility or make reimbursements for violations, fines, or penalties.

Insurance Coverage

All Georgia Southwestern State University passenger carrying vehicles are insured with liability and property damage insurance.

Government vehicles are not required to have proof of insurance. A copy of an “INFORMATION ONLY" insurance identification card has been placed in each vehicle to present to an officer in the event you are asked for proof of insurance. 


All passenger carrying vehicles are routinely serviced by the Physical Plant Department, including oil changes, tune-ups, and minor repairs. Major repairs are done by an ARI approved facility.

Vehicles returned in a manner that require more than routine cleaning will be taken to a professional cleaner and the user department will be charged the cost.

Alcoholic Beverages/Controlled Substances

Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs shall not be transported or consumed in Georgia Southwestern State University vehicles.

Procedure for Obtaining Student Driver Permit

Reason for Permit

A valid GSW driver permit is required for any faculty/staff or student who will be driving a Georgia Southwestern State University vehicle, in accordance with Risk Management Liability Insurance Regulations.

Any individual applying for a GSW Driver’s Permit must be on the Georgia Southwestern State University payroll. This is done to comply with Risk Management Liability Insurance Regulations.

Process for obtaining permit

1. Obtain an application for a GSW University Driver’s Permit at the Department of Public Safety.

2. Complete the application and return it to Public Safety. Applicant must also present their valid Georgia Driver’s License at that time.

3. Public Safety will evaluate the applicant's driving history. By signing the application, the applicant gives permission for a driver's history check.

4. If the application is approved, a permit will be issued by Public Safety.

5. It will be the applicant’s responsibility to notify Public Safety of any traffic violations occurring after their GSW Driver’s Permit is issued.

Process for obtaining vehicle

Any employee who is requested to drive a GSW vehicle, must be submitted to the Public Safety office a University Vehicle Request Form, along with the driver's GSW permit and their state issued driver's license for identification purposes.

University Vehicle Request Forms may be obtained from the Public Safety office or via email upon request.

The employee driving the vehicle is the person responsible for picking up the van. On long trips where multiple drivers may be used, a list of approved drivers is to accompany the request.

 Permit denial

Georgia Southwestern State University reserves the right to disapprove a permit to anyone based on their driver's history; and, further, to revoke their permit if their driver's record changes. (Failure to notify Public Safety of any and all traffic violations received will result in cancellation of the GSW Driver’s Permit) 

Possible reasons for permit denial

1. Applicant does not possess a valid driver's license.

2. Applicant's license has previously been suspended or revoked.

3. Applicant has had a DUI conviction within the last three years. 

4. Applicant has a history of major moving violations.

5. Applicant has an accumulation of seven or more points within a two-year period.

Validation Period

The permit is valid for one academic year. The employee must contact Public Safety to renew the permit at the beginning of each academic year. 

Vehicle Registration and Parking

Vehicle Registration

All faculty/staff, students, and visitors are required to register your vehicle with the Department of Public Safety if you park on GSW campus. In order that faculty/staff employees’ vehicles may be distinguished from student vehicles, appropriate color decals are issued. The decal must be affixed to the lower left (driver) side of the rear windshield of the vehicle in accordance with existing rules established by the university. 


The University provides marked Faculty/Staff parking lots. Employees are to park in the proper parking areas in accordance with established parking regulations. All commuter and residential students are to park in their assigned parking lots accordingly.

Traffic and Parking Information

The university provides printed traffic and parking regulation manuals that are available for pick-up in the Public Safety Office. These regulations can also be found under the Public Safety link on the GSW website. Campus maps are available in printed form in various locations around campus as well as online. For further information about these regulations, call Public Safety at (229) 931-2245. 

Student Accounts


The mission of Student Accounts is to provide the best possible customer service and support for our students, faculty, and staff at GSW. Our responsibility is to record, bill, and collect University receivables and disburse refunds. Student Accounts is responsible for third party billing and processing all departmental deposits. The Student Accounts Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

Fee Committee

In accordance with Board Policy, institutions must have a Fee committee; composed of at least fifty percent (50%) students, except in special circumstances when a general-purpose fee is instituted system-wide by the Board of Regents. The committee shall include at least four students, who shall be appointed by the institution’s student government association (SGA). This committee is charged with reviewing and voting on the student fee request. The form shows the names of the student fee advisory committee members and their vote on the action. The Board of Regents does not require approval of the request by the committee. At GSW, the Director of Auxiliary Services serves as the Chair of our Fees Committee. In addition to the SGA appointed students, there are representatives from the following areas: Student Affairs; Academic Affairs; Admissions

Billing/Fee Payment

The Student Accounts Office is primarily responsible for processing student billing of tuition and associated fees. Notification of fee payment deadlines are posted on the RAIN system under announcements. All currently enrolled students are expected to participate in early registration and must comply with the fee payment deadlines. A late payment fee of $50.00 will be assessed to students not paid in full by the deadline. Fee payments are accepted daily in the Student Accounts Office and online using the Touchnet Payment Portal in the myGSW Portal located on the GSW Home Page

Financial Aid

Financial aid in the form of grants, scholarships, loans, and federal work study are awarded by the Financial Aid Office. A student wishing to apply for financial aid should report to the Financial Aid Office for assistance. A student will receive financial aid awards by receiving credit on the student account. Any student that has charges that exceed financial aid must either submit payment directly to the Student Accounts Office or pay online using the Touchnet Payment Portal in the myGSW Portal located on the GSW Home Page

A student who receives financial aid in excess of tuition and fees will be issued a refund through Bankmobile Disbursements, a technology solution powered by BMTX. Normally, initial disbursements from excess financial aid takes 25-30 days from the beginning of term. A student may receive additional financial aid awards after he/she has submitted fee payment. It is the policy of the Student Accounts Office to process refunds on a weekly basis.

A student who owes a repayment will not be permitted to register for subsequent semesters at the University or receive copies of an academic transcript. The policy concerning delinquent obligations is found on the website:

All checks from outside scholarship sources must be included in the student's financial aid package. The Student Accounts Office will forward copies of scholarship checks submitted by students to the Financial Aid Office so that they may be properly documented.

Sponsored Billing

A student with written authorization for tuition billing from an outside source should report to the Student Accounts office for assistance or see the GSW webpage for instructions:

A student with authorization for Bookstore purchases should report to the GSW Bookstore for assistance.

Refund of Fees

Students who formally withdraw from the University prior to passing the 60% point in time during the term are eligible for a partial refund of fees. Refunds are made only when a student completely withdraws from the University, and no refunds are made when a student of his or her own violation reduces the course load after the add/drop period. Students may receive a refund resulting from a reduction of their course load during the add/drop period. No refunds for withdrawals will be made after passing the 60% point in time during the term. It is the student's responsibility to withdraw officially in accordance with University regulations.

Withdrawal forms are available on the GSW website under Student Forms. A refund of tuition and fees, in accordance with federal, state, and institutional policies, will be issued within 30 days of receipt of completed withdrawal forms by the Business Office.

Students who formally withdraw from the institution after the first day of class but before the 60% point in time during the term are subject to guidelines established by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. This policy states:

The refund amount for students withdrawing from the institution shall be based on a pro rata percentage determined by dividing the number of calendar days in the semester that the student completed by the total calendar days in the semester. The total calendar days in a semester includes weekends, but excludes scheduled breaks of five or more days and days that a student was on an approved leave of absence. The unearned portion shall be refunded up to the point in time that the amount equals 60%.

Students that withdraw from the institution when the calculated percentage of completion is greater than 60% are not entitled to a refund of any portion of institutional charges.

A refund of all matriculation fees, and other mandatory fees shall be made in the event of the death of a student at any time during the academic session (BR Minutes, 1979-80, p.61; 1986-87 pp. 24-25; 1995 p. 246)

The University is required to determine how much student financial aid was earned by students who withdraw during the term. If students have "unearned aid" because they were disbursed more than they earned, it may be necessary for the unearned portion to be returned to the appropriate student financial aid fund. If the students have "earned aid" that they have not received, they may be eligible to receive those funds.



To provide installation, service and repair for all Telecommunication needs of the University, including fiber optic wiring for voice and data. 

To monitor costs and coordination communication with the Georgia Technical Authority (GTA) and the University. 


The departmental budgetary head has the primary responsibility for approval of all new installation and disconnection charged against accounts under his/her administration. 

Procedures for New Service Installation or Disconnection of Service

The department head will submit to the Telecommunications Coordinator an e-mail or memo outlining specific new service requested. The Telecommunications Coordinator will complete a GTA Work Order Form describing new service desired. This form will be sent to GTA, which in turn will relay request to proper service technician. Under normal circumstances, work should be completed within 2-4 weeks. Departments have the option of purchasing telephone equipment from an outside vendor or from GTA. All telephone equipment purchased from GTA under $1,000 is the property of the University and must be replaced at the cost of the University if equipment malfunctions. 

Procedure for Service and Repair Needs

All service and repair needs should be reported verbally or by e-mail to the Telecommunications Coordinator. The Telecommunications Coordinator will report all repair requests by e-mail or telephone to GTA, who will relay the repair request to the proper service technician. Under normal circumstances, repairs should be completed within 2-5 working days.


Any employee or student signing for and receiving petty cash is personally responsible for these funds regardless of whether they are lost or stolen.

Staff development funds will be reimbursed using normal travel regulations including existing meal reimbursement limitations.

Employees can NOT be reimbursed for search committee meals, staff luncheons, or any items of this nature from the general funds, student activity funds, or auxiliary funds. Reimbursment of these expenses would need to come from foundation sources if available.

Any meal reimbursement from Student Activity funds requires a stipend sheet signed by each student before reimbursement can occur.

Text books and other miscellaneous supplies for individual students can not be purchased from any departmental accounts. Purches of this type are considered financial aid to the individual student, and must flow through the financial aid department accordingly in the form of a scholarship.