Winter Weather Update - 1/22

Virtual learning and campus operations will extend through Thursday, January 23. Additionally, please note that Sumter County is currently under curfew, extending through 1pm on Thursday, January 23. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time. Please monitor, social media, email, MyGSW and any other GSW channels of communication for further updates. 
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Leisa Easom, Ph.D., R.N.

Associate Dean & Professor of Health Sciences, Director of the Long-Term Care Management Program
Carter I | Room 142

Ph.D. - Medical College of Georgia
B.S. & M.S.N. - Valdosta State University

Tristee Lee

Part-Time Instructor

Benjamin Meador, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Exercise Science
SSC, 1st floor | Room 1228

B.A. & Ph.D. - University of Illinois, Urbana

Zhanxin Sha

Assistant Professor, Exercise Science
SSC, 1st floor | Room 1227


School of Health Sciences

Rosalyn Carter Health and Human Science Complex
Carter I


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