Winter Weather Update - 1/22

Virtual learning and campus operations will extend through Thursday, January 23. Additionally, please note that Sumter County is currently under curfew, extending through 1pm on Thursday, January 23. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time. Please monitor, social media, email, MyGSW and any other GSW channels of communication for further updates. 
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Propel: GSW's Campaign for Scholarships


$1,250,053 in Scholarship Funding Raised!

We are proud to announce that Propel surpassed our million-dollar goal in the 18 month time frame!


to goal

The Impact Your Gift Can Make

Propel: GSW’s Campaign for Scholarships added to current scholarship funding and fulfilled a variety of current unmet needs by raising over $1 million in scholarship funding. These efforts are intended to continually increase the affordability of attending Georgia Southwestern providing incoming students more scholarship opportunities for a quality education without years of debt.

The Propel campaign concluded at the Gold Force Gala on January 24, 2024. Potential donors, GSW alumni and friends alike, will had a variety of opportunities to contribute either online or by check. Make a year-end gift* to benefit student scholarships, and help students propel their future! 

Impact on GSW Student(s) Donation
Establish an endowed scholarship $25,000
Full year of tuition, room and board $15,000*
Tuition for one year $5,000**
Gold Level Promise Scholarship for one year $3,000
Blue Level Promise Scholarship for one year $1,000
Books for one semester $500
Flex meal plan for commuter student $250

*Estimate for in-state tuition, meal plan, and shared room
**Estimate for in-state tuition

Donation Options

The University and its Advancement staff welcome scholarship contributions of any type and would be delighted to establish new funds. We welcome the following gifts:

  • Check, bank draft, credit/debit card, and PayPal
  • Recurring or annual gifts or pledges
  • Memorial gifts made in honor or memory of someone
  • Employer matching gifts (please contact your employer for guidelines)
  • Legacy and planned giving (established with Advancement staff assistance)

Additional Details

*Scholarship donations through the GSW Foundation are tax-deductible, to the fullest extent of the law. Donor wall recognition is anonymous, if desired.

Southwestern Promise
Carter Leadership
Hurricanes Back-on-Track

Southwestern Promise Scholarship

Georgia Southwestern offers all new, traditional-aged freshmen who meet qualifications below a guaranteed $1,000 or $3,000 scholarship. Beginning freshmen who meet the criteria may renew the scholarship for up to 4 years by maintaining a 3.0 GPA and remaining enrolled full-time. Qualified freshmen are encouraged to consider applying for the President Jimmy Carter Leadership Program as well.

President Jimmy Carter Leadership Program

The President Carter Leadership Program honors the life and legacy of GSW alumnus and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Admitted freshmen students who have demonstrated a strong academic, service and leadership background are strongly encourage to apply. Students accepted into this unique, four-year honors program become Mix Scholars and receive a $2,000 scholarship. Recipients must meet program requirements, maintain a 3.0 grade point average or higher, and live on campus the first two years in order to extend the scholarship annually for all four years.

Hurricanes Back-on-Track Scholarship Fund

Georgia Southwestern’s Hurricane Back-on-Track Scholarship Fund provides students with the financial support they need to overcome an unanticipated financial hardship that inhibits their ability to finish a degree.  Monies from this fund will provide relief for Hurricanes at pivotal moments and enable them to focus on and advance their studies.

Hurricanes face uncommon, unexpected and often acute difficulties as they pursue their degrees. More than a third of all Hurricanes are Pell-eligible and over 40% are first generation college students. This fund will assist those who have stumbled in their academic pursuit and need temporary assistance and will be administered by the Office of Financial Aid. 

Words can’t describe how thankful I am to have received a college scholarship. It gave me hope and the assurance that I will be a successful black male.

Jamarcus Coley Recent Visual Arts Graduate
Perry, Georgia